I'm doing this again

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I'm doing this tag again to see if my answers have changed or not.



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1. I can't choose tbh

2. MC

3. Your Reality, Confession, Sayornara, etc.

4. Can't choose

5. yuri if anything

6. Yuri tbh

7. Monika. She has brownish hair, green eyes, and she has an average height.

8. Yeah, I think I did just Maddie or something. I really wanted to put Jefferson or Your Mom as the name but I was too lazy.

9. 6 or 7. The horror makes you think a lot, and since it took such a turn on the sweet dating game its pretty creepy.

10. Definetly Sayori or Monika. Sayori died because she couldn't take the depression anymore which is sad. And Monika basically had her heart shattered when MC deleted her.

11. Sayori is a bundle of sunshine. She's sweet and nice with a big heart, too. She is such a cinnamon roll and adorable.

12. Natsuki is cute no matter what she says. She's a classic tsundere, which is pretty snazzy. Just because she is small and cute, doesn't mean she could knock you in the face with a butter filled sock.

13. A quiet and timid person. She's really pretty to be honest. I share a lot in common with her, too. I like how she has such a passion for writing and reading and her personality is just great.

14. Monika is a great president. In act 1, she is pretty chill with her advice and everything. A true icon.

15. Amy likes Spiders, Dear Sunshine, and Eagles can Fly.

16. Yeah, it was a dark and sad poem though.

17. Yeah sure

18. I read a lot of books. Books are really cool.

19. No, but I could.

20. Definetly Monika or Yuri. Probably Yuri more.

21. MC probably.

22. Monika or Sayori

23. Natsuki

24. I would probably do a little bit of everyone.

25. Can't decide

26. They made a cool game 👍

27. Yeah, I did Natsuki a couple times.

28. no

29. One word: ouch

30. I don't really know, I came across it on YouTube and decided to watch it. I didn't seem to take too much interest in it at first until things started going down hill. I like how DDLC is a game that makes you think or wonder "why?" Or something like that.

Yay me

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