Chapter Two

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"Well is mother coming?" Avera asked her brother.

They were currently sitting on the couch reading old magazines from their mother's last visit.

"It's been 26 days from her last showing, she'll be coming any time now," Blake said nonchalantly.

Though Blake was calm, Avera was the opposite. She knew the things vampires were capable of, she knew the journey her mother made was dangerous, she knew she might have already set out for the safe house, but never made it.

"Blake, what if she_" but Avera was abruptly cut off.

"She's coming Avera! Don't let these books of your cloud your mind of reality," he spoke harshly.

"the books I read are reality, this safe house, this isn't reality. This isn't life," she said just as eagerly before storming out of the room.

She didn't know the time, but it was dark and it had been dark for an hour or so.. to her it meant it was probably 11Pm.

She looked around the room and decided to get changed. She pulled on black pants, they were pretty tight because she had grown from the time her mother brought them. She also slipped on a black pullover and left her dark hair flow. She took one last look at her appearance. She starred at her bright green eyes through the mirrored glass. She thought of how her brother was always jealous of her eyes, and her father would tell her all the time he never saw brighter and bolder eyes than his little Avera's. The memory made her smile, but It soon faded from her face as she faced the realization of what she was doing.

She took a deep breath before opening her bedroom window and climbing out.

Air, fresh air.

This was one of the first times she ever left the safe house, or at least the only time she could remember. She looked back at the small cottage one last time before running as fast as humanly possible through the woods. She didn't know her way, she didn't know what she was doing.

What she knew was she was stressed about her mother and couldn't go to sleep without finding her. The night grew darker, the moon occasionally shining through the trees. After awhile she was running low on breath and she stopped to lean on a tree, huffing while holding her hands on her knees.

Her breathing hitched sharply as she heard the crackle of leaves. She calmed her breathing as her eyes bulged from her head. She steeped closer to the tree and closed her eyes. They, unlike her dark hair and clothing, could easily be seen in the gloom of the night. Her body trembled and her heart was beating rapidly. Maybe, just maybe it was her mom. she thought to herself. Sitting here wasn't doing any good, and when she couldn't take the suspense of hiding any longer, she ran. She didn't know where she was going, or even if she was running back to the cottage or away, she didn't care. She didn't look back once, she didn't bother to stop to catch her breath, because even though she couldn't see it, she felt a presence among her, lurking in the dim shadows of the night hours. And that alone was enough to fuel her adrenaline. She finally couldn't fight the urge to look any longer, and in one swift movement she looked back. This had to be the biggest regret in her lifetime. She felt arms wrap around her body tightly, she pushed and pleaded but it was no use.

"Avera," a woman's voice spoke softly, yet anger laced in her tone.

"Avera, why are you outside?" her mother hissed.

"Mother I'm so so sorry, I thought something bad happened to you," she couldn't stop the tears now.

"This is dangerous, oh so dangerous,Avera never do this again," her mother hugged her.

Avera didn't have time to promise, because a new voice joined the conversation.

"Avera, pretty name,"The deep tone spoke, though nobody stood to claim the voice.

Avera saw her mothers eyes pop from her head, " Please leave my baby alone," Avera's mother pulled Avera's body closer to her own.

The boy didn't speak, just chuckled, and before anybody could blink Avera heard the menacing voice coo in her ear, "Such a naive girl," This caused Avera to jump closer to her mother.

It was dark, and tears clouded Avera's vision. All the confidence she gained from reading her books and the things she hoped to say to a vampire one day, vanished. There she stood, a naive little girl in the arms of her mother.

"Take me, not her please," her mother begged.

"if you insist," and before Avera could process a thing, her mother was jerked from her hold and she heard an ear pinching scream.

"Mom!" she yelped.

A series of slurps followed as the boy drained her mothers' blood. She stood frozen and scared. She wanted to help, she wanted to run, but she couldn't. The piercing red eyes looked up at her, "now you," he licked his lips.

Her eyes widened, still frozen.

"aren't you going to run?" he chuckled, whispering in her ear. "what's the point, you run faster than I ever could. I won't give you the satisfaction, take me already. I don't wish to live any longer," she hissed, a burst of confidence took over her.

"Maybe you aren't so naive...but where's the fun in that," he whispered the last part.

Avera was crying, not because she was scared for her life, but because her mothers was just taken in front of her own eyes, because of her own fault.

"you're the devil," she spat between sobs, crossing her arms. She was terrified, of coarse. But she pushed that out of her mind, she didn't care.. if she died right there. Her mother was dead because of her and she couldn't live with herself knowing of her fault, she wanted to die.

she still couldn't see the boy, but she felt him circling her, and it made her heart race. Out of nowhere the boy came face to face with Avera, noses almost touching. She could now see his face, his extremely curly locks, his beaming red eyes, his fangs... "won't you just kill me al_" but her words were cut off when the boy forced his lips to hers. It was only a peck, then he kissed her jaw, down to her neck.

Avera sat motionless, multiple thoughts running through her mind.

As he kissed her neck she heard a faint whisper but then her vision blurred, and a deep stinging pain traveled from her neck, to her entire body. Black dots enfungled her vision and her knees went week. Moments later, she dropped, but the boy kept drinking her blood, it was the most amazing taste to every bear his senses, it made him feel so alive, as alive as a blood sucking corpse could be.


I wrote this and forgot to publish it whoops.... anywayyyy VOTE (;

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