Chapter Three

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Okay so I'm going to try POV for this chapter. I know that last chapters have been in third person but idk. let me know what you think...

Avera's POV

I blinked my eyes a few times, though my vision was still black. Fear took over my senses and I started to panic. I kept blinking and blinking until finally my vision started to clear. I looked around the room, unfamiliar with the scene, though my vision still lacked, I knew this wasn't the safe house.

"Blake!" I yelled. When I got no answer my nerves jumped and I once again, began to panic.

"Blake, Blake, Blake!" I kept yelling.

Once I could finally see I looked around the bland room. the walls were painted black and I lay on a white sheeted queen bed, there was a closet.. but no windows. I walked to the entrance door and pulled, frustrated that it wouldn't open. I pounded my fists to the white door until I couldn't bang anymore. I slouched down to the floor leaning against the door.

"So you're awake," I heard a voice whisper, humor lasted in the boys tone.

I furrowed my eyebrows and slid from my position before crouching close to the door.

"hello.." I spoke, unsure of the situation.

"Don't be afraid love," he replied, "move away from the door," he said , and I did.

I positioned myself on the bed, my feet hanging off the side.

as the door opened, it revealed a boy with longer hair, and blue eyes. I had never seen him before.

"Who are you?" I pushed back towards the headboard.

"I said don't be afraid," he sat beside me, smiling.

"well, I am," I crossed my arms.

" I can tell, your heartbeat is crazy," he chuckled.

My eyes widened, "y-you're one of them. a vampire. you sick sick creature, you kill innocent people of all ages, for you're own selfish needs. You monster, you don't even care for the people that you_" I was cut off.

"stop," his voice became hoarse and his eyes tinged with red. I coward away from the boy, if I could even call him that.

"sorry, I didn't mean to be harsh, I just don't like being called something I'm not," he admitted.

"you are a vampire though," I said quietly.

"But that's not my fault, maybe the universe hates me but I did not wish for this curse. I hate killing innocent people, I hate working for the government to 'protect' the future Earth. I hate myself," His voice cracked at the end.

I looked up to the boy, I noticed a tear escape his left eye, I didn't know why but I pulled him into a hug. He pulled away shortly after, fixing his jean jacket.

"Anyway, I'm Louis," he smiled.

"why am I here, Louis?" I returned to my focus.

He parted his lips to speak but all that reached my ears was the sound of a door slamming.

"you're about to find out," he forced a lopsided smile before leaving the room at an inhuman speed.

I was about to run from the room when I heard hoarse yelling come from the hall.

"Louis I said leave her for me goddammit," my eyes widened at the husky tone, it sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

It went quite and I heard footsteps, I ran around the room looking for somewhere to go, but when I ran out of time I abruptly took a spot in the closet.

"Get out of the closet," my eyes widened though I didn't dare to move.

"I can hear your unsteady breathing," the boy chuckled.

I reluctantly left the closet and came face to face with a curly haired boy with beaming green eyes. I shouldn't say face to face because he had to be more than six feet.

"you should probably eat something," He spoke, though I didn't move.

"I'm not hungry," I said stubbornly.

"you haven't eaten since sometime yesterday," he crossed his arms, smirking. My thoughts wondered to yesterday but my mind fell blank, I couldn't remember a thing.

"what happened yesterday?" I said more to myself.

"Nothing too important, now let's go eat," he yanked me by my arm out of the room. He finally let go when he noticed I was willingly following him down the dull hallways.

"why am I here?" I tried again.

"now I don't know what you like to eat but I'm sure you can find something here," He said ignoring my question.

I stopped dead in my tracks and crossed my arms, "I will not eat until I get answers."

He also stopped, and with the blink of an eye he was bent over, looking eye to eye with me. I noticed the red starting to show through and his voice became deeper, if that was possible.

"Let me teach you who is the boss around here," he growled. I didn't want to seem weak, but in this situation, I was the weak one. His lips grazed over my neck before sucking harshly on the skin. As much as I hated to admit it, pleasure flooded my senses. He increased the harsh actions and eventually it began to sting.

"Stop," I pushed at his chest, though he didn't move, "stop." I spoke again. "please stop," I said in a weaker tone.

He pulled away smirking and my hand went up to the sore on my neck.

"I'm Harry by the way," he said before walking down the hall.

After moments of staying frozen, debating on whether to run or not, Harry's voice echoed in my ears, "let's go."

I shuffled to get my balance before taking big strides to catch up to him, already in the kitchen.

When I entered I nearly hid behind Harry's back to the realization of four pairs of inhuman eyes gazing at me. Harry stepped aside to show me, "This is Avera," he spoke.

I saw a boy with shorter hair's nose move, "you brought a human girl.. here." he crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows.

I noticed Harry role his eyes before walking to the fridge. "Don't freak Liam," he said. I now knew the boy named Liam, Harry, and Louis. There was still two other boys I've yet to identify.

I walked over to sit beside a blonde boy, he looked nice. if he wasn't a vampire I might have been his friend. "I'm niall," he said, I forced a smile but kept to myself.

"don't we have any real food here?" Harry said slamming the fridge door.

"It's ok, I'm not hung_" but Harry harshly cut me off.

"You're fucking eating okay," his eyes burning holes into my own.

"Hey chill, she isn't hungry. Let her be," Niall stuck up for me.

"fine," Harry said before stroking out of the house. When he left I just sat there, maybe I should leave..?

"well this has been fun, but I'm going to get going," I said standing up.

I heard Niall chuckle.

"Harry isn't going to let you leave, how about we watch TV Instead," he brought me to the parlor.

We talked for hours, barely watching the TV, until Harry got back.

"Well it's getting late," Niall stood up. My eyes widened. "you're going to bed," I asked.

"I'm going home," he laughed.

"y-you don't live here?" the thought of the seemingly only same one leaving made me tremble.

"Night Niall, Liam," Harry said as they left, then he turned to me.

"You miss me?" he smirked.


kinda late update, not so good. I wrote it at 5am and it's unedited so sorry.... I'm going camping for a few days sooooo. and I start school in five days ugh. okay anyway, have a great day ☺️

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