Danny POV

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Dying is easy, living is hard.

I watch in shock at AJ puts the shower on trying to shock my body back to life. I see Tiffany and Maranda.....
The love of my life, Maranda she's sobbing yelling at AJ to bring me back to life.
All the while I can see AJ breaking down, sobs RIP through his chest as he finally comes to conclusions that I'm.... dead.
He sits against the wall defeated, his heart broken along with Maranda and Tiffany.
I'm really dead....
I turn seeing my brother looking at my dead body, his hands start to shake and he screams out in pure agony.
"Daniel!!!!!! Danny!!!!!!!!!!"
He rushes over to me pulling my body into his chest holding it tightly, tears fall down my face....
"Danny please come back.... Danny you have so much to live for PLEASE!!!!"

"No, no I'm not giving up! Call an ambulance  now!"
I yell out, I start to do CPR on him for what feels like forever, I cant lose you Danny! Your my bestfriend!
Tears cloud my sight as the EMT's push me out of the way.
"No pulse, shock him."
I watch as they fibulate Danny over and over but he is just not coming back!
"God please give him back to us!"
Tiffany says praying in her knees.
"Once more."
No heart beat.
"God please! We cant lose him please!"
Tiff yells out to god.
They charge and shock his chest.
"Got a pulse! Hurry get him in!"
"Oh my god! You did it again! Tiffany!!!"
Maranda yells out hugging her tightly.
"Hurry let's get to the Hospital!"
I yell out, I help them get in my Hummer and we speed off to the hospital.
Danny's brother looking out the window in shock, I grab his shoulder.
"He is going to be okay.... He is strong."
He looks at me and nods as we pull into the hospital.
We wait two hours before anyone tells us anything, we see the doctor and rush up to him.
"Doctor! How is my brother is he alive?!"
The doctors look at us with sad eyes, I look at Tiffany and Maranda.
"We are doing everything we can.... does you brother have a history of seizures?"
"W-what n-no why?"
"Well it looks like he has been having them, we didnt catch it last time we saw him, he uh.... he has been having them in his sleep."
"Okay but what does that have to so with what's going on now?"
Danny's brother asks
"What happened to him that he is in this state?"
The doctor asks.
"My, my ex did that to him.... he beat him... Its all my fault!"
Maranda looks like she is about to pass out, Tiffany holding her tight as she falls to the floor.
"He had bleeding in his brain.... we have cut it open to stop the bleeding.... his brain is swelling and its causing him to go unconscious, he isnt breathing on his own..... he also had eternal bleeding in his lung... it just, it's tricky and if he has any..... ANY seizures while he sleeps, it could be fatal."
"Can.... cant you d-do something for his seizures?!"
I yell feeling completely broken inside, this is all my fault....
"Unfortunately no, I need to go check on him now."
"Can we see him?" His brother asks,
"Give me 5 minutes and then you can come see him."
I nod and pull the girls into my arms hiding them tight, Danny's brother looks at Maranda and shakes his head.
"Ever since he saw you bad things have been happening to him."
He walks to the back as the doctor nods for us to come to his room, Maranda wipes her tears and goes to the room then us.
Maranda is holding one of Danny's hand and his brother holding the other.
"Danny, I'm so s-sorry this happened baby.... plea-please wake up soon please! Danny... I love you."
Maranda says through sobs.
"Yall have slept in the same bed with him, did yall ever feel him having a seizure?"
Danny's brother asks.
He nods and the room goes silent for what feels like forever, the only thing filling the room is that beeping from his heart rate, steady and calm. God please keep it that way...

A week has passed, Brandon is currently in juvie awaiting trial for attempted murder. They are waiting to see if Danny is going to live if he dose he gets first degree of attempted murder, if Danny.... passes, he gets first degree murder along with attempted.
As I sit in my last class I can still hear people whispering about Danny, all the voices are giving me anxiety.
I keep checking my phone for that unsettling call.
The call that Danny didnt make it, my bestfriend.... tears flood my eyes as the bell rings and I'm stuck in my desk not able to move.
I'm stuck in my depression, tears falling down my face, my phone rings and I answer it immediately.
"Maranda, what's wrong?" I can hear her sobbing and I can feel my heart breaking.
"His organs are starting to fail, I think yall should come down here."
She says quickly in one breath,
I find Tiffany and we speed off to the hospital, we enter the room and find everyone hysterical. Doctors are trying to revive him, the line is dead, no more constant heartbeat.
"God please bring him back to heath!" Tiffany yells out, as her words spoke his heart beat came back, everyone looks at her in shock.
"You my dear are a guardian angel..." one of the doctors says fixing Danny's wires and injecting stuff into his IV.
"We are moving him into ICU."
no visitors for an hour, as we sit in the waiting area its quiet between all of us. We all are staring at the floor praying he comes out of this.
Danny's brother has pressed charges on Brandon, everyone at school loathes him, even Carter.
"Yall should come see this." We pop our heads up and look at the doctor confused, we walk with him quickly.
"He-he um is he breathing on his own?"
Tiffany asks, all of us are in shock as the doctor nods his head.
"I don't know how it's even possible but, he is breathing on his own.... his vitals are steady..... his organs are picking up.... I dont believe I'm miracles but this is one."
He leaves the room, we all hug Tiffany, she is in shock as are we.
"Tiffany you gotta keep praying."
Danny's brother says, she nods and grabs Danny's hand and prays for hours and hours.
I come to check on her and find her asleep, her head resting on his arm her hand in his hand
She fell asleep praying for him.
Maranda is on the other side just looking at him, she looks so exhausted. She has been here every day and night, she takes showers here sleeps here. She wont leave his side.
Tiffany sits up quickly making us jump.
"He moved his hand!"
We all look at his hand and watch as Danny's fingers try to make a fist.
"Danny? Can you hear us?"
Maranda stands as his other hand moves, we all smile at eachother.
"I'll call the doctor."
I run out to find the doctor and he hooks up some wires to a machine.
"This will detect if he can hear you, if he does this will spike up."
I nod,
"Danny? Can you hear me?"
We look at the line as it spikes, we all breath a sigh of relief.
"His body still needs rest.... if he keeps up like this I believe he will be awake soon."
"How soon?"
"Cant say for sure."
We all nod, we talk to him and talk about our favorite memories with Danny.
"Danny, remember when we were together and youd call me your Angel?"
His hand moves,
"I think you were right.... everytime we thought we were going to lose you I'd ask god to give you back to us..... I want you to know I dont hate you, I'm not mad at you....."
His hand moves again, I watch Tiffany as she stares at him, she still wants him in some sort of way. I just hope being his friend will be enough, I know she loves me though.
A few days pass by, we are on our way to the hospital, shock fills my body.
Behold a wake and coherent Danny, tears fall down as he smiles and looks at me.
"Get your ass over here." He says, I rush over and hug him tightly.
"Not so tight, my ribs are still sore." He says chuckling,
" im good AJ." His eyes freeze on Tiffany and we all look at her then him.
"Come here."
She does as he says, I'm move, his takes her hands and pulls her face to his and kisses her forehead.
"I heard you praying, I saw you praying, you brought me back everytime I was about to fade away..... I told you, you are my Angel..... thank you for forgiving me fully."
She nods, he wipes her tears, Maranda and I look at eachother.
"Anything for you Danny." She says as if we aren't in the room, I walk out quickly and take a deep breath.
Something has brought them back together in some way.


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