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Tiffany has been going to see Danny without me, she get's out of school early and goes straight to see him. I haven't told her that it bothers me deeply, I feel like I'm kind of maybe being paranoid about it but.... I mean they have a deeper connection that she and I just don't have.

I walk in on them laughing slightly cuddled up on his hospital bed, she sees me and stands quickly.
"What's going on here?! Tiffany... what's going on with you?!"
She looks down and then at me with tears in her eyes,
"Baby c-can we discuss this later?"
I chuckle and sigh,
"The only girl I have ever wanted and have doesn't want me anymore."

I punch a hole in the wall and walk away, I can hear her running after me but I pick up speed and get in my Hummer and drive off.
My phone vibrates like crazy and I see her picture, I throw my phone in the back seat pick up a bottle of Jim Beam and go to the nearest park.
I sit on a slide at the top and drink my whiskey, tears in my eyes. Why is this happening?! Why did I have to like her?! Why did I fall in love with her?
I go and get my phone trying not to stumble around as I go back to the slide.
I need some help getting home.... I don't want any of the guys to know what's going on..... fuck my life, i gotta call her.

"Maranda? I need a favor."
I see her pull up with her dad and shake my head, well someone has to take my hummer home.... she rushes over to me and hugs me. I freeze in my spot scared to hug back,
"I was so scared you were going to hurt yourself AJ... we have been looking everywhere for you!"
I look down at her and hear her dad drive off, I wipe her tears away and roll my eyes as I look up at the sky.
"I'd never hurt myself Maranda. Don't ever hug me again."
She pushes me causing me to fall down, but I bring her down with me, we both laugh but it becomes quite as she hovers over me.
"AJ, do you really hate me? I mean... like I know I was a horrible person but, that was only because I was so unhappy..... I'm not that ugly of a person.... I wish you could see that."
Tired of hiding this secret for so many years and since it seems as if Tiffany is going to leave me for Danny I mide as well tell the truth, right?
"Maranda I don't hate you, I like you. Always have but, you were, are untouchable. I've had a crush on you since 3rd grade and the moment I knew I couldn't have you it turned into anger. Then I saw how mean you were to people and it made me infuriated because I knew you could be good."
Her chest rising and falling so fast, she slaps me hard across the face and I know I've hurt her. She gets up and starts to walk away but I stumble quickly to get up and wrap my arms around her waist as she starts to sob. I hold her tightly and she realizes she waisted all that time being a bitch for some guy that she was going to fall out of love with in the end.
"Shhhh, it's okay."
I whispered in her ear calming her down, she nods and looks up at me, her arms wrap around my neck and mine around her waist. I hold her like that for a good while as she cried.
"I'm losing Danny, AJ.... he doesn't want me anymore."
"We can fix this Maranda."
She nods and holds out her hand.
"Keys dumbass."
She smiles at me and I chuckle, we drive off and go to my place. We pull up laughing  it stop as we see it.... Danny's car.
We get out and find him and Tiffany inside it, making out heavily. We look at each other, Maranda grabs my bottle takes a huge chug and throws it at his passenger window. They both jump and see us, Maranda looks up at me and pulls my face to hers and kisses me deeply.
My body feels like its lifted off the ground and my heart is racing so fast! I feel lightheaded, she looks up at me.
"AJ... Did you..."
"Feel that?" I nod and she looks at Danny and Tiffany as they get put of the car and they both start to fill with rage.
"Why the fuck are you kissing my girl?!" Danny pushes me and I chuckle.
"I should be asking you the same question, after EVERYTHING this is how you do Maranda and i?!"
He looks away and walks back to his car, Tiffany looks up at me.
"AJ, it was an accident... I'm sorry"
"If it was an accident, why are you sorry?"
Tears fill her eyes,
"AJ please... don't do this. I love you."
"You don't hurt the people you love. You know how you felt when you found Maranda and him together? Yeah well that's how I feel now. You stripped me of trust and now I never want to love again so I'll wait for my love for you to die."
Danny honks making her jump, she looks back at him them me.
"Who do you want to be with?"
Maranda asks, Tiffany looks at Maranda.
"I-i want you AJ." Maranda starts to walk away but I grab her arm.
"I cant do this Tiffany, I see the way you look at him and you'll never look at me that way. You love him i know you do, you suppressed it because of what he did and he loves you too. We, Maranda and I were naïve to believe this would actually work out."
I look at Maranda,
"Coming in?" She looks at Tiffany,
"Go be happy with Danny Tiffany, yall are great together."
Maranda grabs my hand and we walk inside, our legs carrying us to my room, our hands ripping off each others clothes.
Her back against a wall as I thrust inside her deeply, moans flow out of her and groans flow out of me. Its as if we are in out own little paradise I've never felt anything like this before.
"AJ.... I'm sorry." I lay her on my bed and looks down at her.
"For what?" I brush hair behind her ear as a tear slides down her cheek.
"For being such a horrible person."
I smirk and kiss her gently,
"That's all over now, you can make up for everything now."
"AJ I got to tell you something."
She bites her lip.
"I know it looked like when you said mean things to me that it didn't hurt but.... it did. It really did."
Remorse fills me as she starts to cry a bit, I feel like such an asshole now, I was really fucked up.
"Maranda.... I'm sorry." I pull her into my arms and hold her tightly, this girl has been through so much in 5 months.
"I c-can you know like make up for it y-you know?"
"How would you do that? Be my boyfriend?" She scoffs,
"Why dose that humor you?"
"AJ..... are you being serious?"
She sits up looking down at me till I sit up and kiss her shoulder.
"How about you just let that mold in your head for a bit." She looks at me and smirks, then nods. She lays back down and pulls me onto of her.
"Make me feel good."
"I can make you be good too."
She bites her lip as I turn her over and spanks her roughly, she moans out.
"AJ.... c-mmm can we still.... do this like regularly?"
"Only if you call me daddy."
"Okay, Daddy."
I chuckle and blush a bit, damn I've been missing out.
Danny POV

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