Chapter 11

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(smut Smut SMUT ;'))

For the next few days Flug has been checking in with Blackhat and eating dinner with him every night, surprisingly it was quite pleasant, at least when Blackhat was in a good mood. Tonight he was in a particularly bad mood and Flug was quite nervous to show up for dinner, but he had no choice so he decided to go.

Flug's Pov

Flug slowly walked to the dining room, looking around to see Blackhat at the head of the table, angrily tapping his foot and sitting down, checking his pocket watch. Flug gulped and slinked through the huge doors and took his place to the right of Blackhat, a few seats down. Blackhat scoffed and glared down at the smaller male, almost accusingly.
"You're late, again..." Blackhat says in a nasty tone, as he crosses his arms almost childlike. Any other situation Flug would found this cute, but he was too scared to find this amusing.

"I-I forgot, s-sorry sir, it won't h-happen again." Flug says as he looks at his hands, shaking.

"It better not, you can't even follow a simple instruction, pathetic."

Tears form in Flug's eyes, he reaches up under his bag to wipe them away quietly.

5.0.5 Brings out dinner; a mix of salad and a nicely cooked steak with potatoes. Flug murmurs thank you to the bear and begins to pick at his food, trying to remain silent.
Blackhat rolls his eyes and starts to eat his food, somehow animal-like and gentalmanly at the same time. (Lmao what does that look like)

"You haven't even starting eating! Eat your food, imbecile." Blackhat says, though quiets down at the last part.
"I'm not hungry, c-could I please go?" Flug asks hopefully, as he looks up from his untouched plate.
He just wants to get away and cry, Blackhat always gets like this on heavy work days, he's quite surprised he's kept his temper down this long.
Blackhat stares at Flug for a moment, the small man quietly sniffling, he then gets up and slaps Flug across the face with a sneer.
"You can leave when you're done, that's part of our deal."
Flug sits there awe struck and starts to sob, while Blackhat stands there, staring at him with a cold look and sits back down. Flug gets through his food, still crying, and looks up at Blackhat, broken.
"You may go.." Blackhat says in a softer tone, almost a whisper.
Flug falls out of his chair and shuffles back to his room to lay down.


Blackhat's Pov

I messed up, well, it was his fault too! He should know how I get when I'm stressed, Flug should've kept quiet and ate his food like a good boy.
Blackhat proceeds to the kitchen and grabs a glass and pours in some whiskey, then drinks out of the bottle, leaving the glass untouched.

(Drunk Blackhat yey)
I-I should apologize, that was fuuucked up. My precious Flug, I slapped him! Oh what have I done to that fragile boy. I'll go see him, apologize I shallll.

Blackhat stumbled over to Flugs room and peeks in, the small male was sitting on his bed with something in his hand, his bag was off and he was crying. Something was dripping from his arm, that's when Blackhat smelled it; blood.
He stumbled in to see a frightened Flug look over, who quickly hid his arms behind him. Blackhat sat down next to him and reached forward, Flug seized back a bit, frightened. They sat there in complete silence, Blackhat then again reached forward, slowly, and grabbed Flugs arm. It was covered in thin scars, leading up to cuts on his wrists, freshly done.
"Oh Flug, my Flug, what have you done..." Blackhat says in a hush tone.
"I-I'm sorry, sir." Flug says, ashamed of what he done, but more ashamed he was caught.
Blackhat looks into Flug's eyes and brushed his hair out of his eyes, then leans down and licks Flug's wounds.
"W-what are you doing! Ouch.." Flug says as he winces.
Blackhat just continues, then he leans back up looking at Flug's arm, the bleeding stopped and instead small pink lines covered Flug's arm.
"Demon power?" Flug questions.
"Yeah, one of many." Blackhat states.
Blackhat, still drunk, looked Flug in the eyes, staring deeply into them.
"You're so beautiful." He murmurs.
Flug blushes and bites his lip, then slowly leans forward and kisses Blackhat, softly. Blackhat deepens the kiss and leans in, his tongue asking permission to enter Fug's mouth, Flug opens his mouth and Blackhat explores the new found place, so sweet, so soft...
He grabs Flug's face in his hand and wraps his other arm around him, leaning back onto the bed.

They separate, only for a second, to catch their breath, then continue to smooch it up. Blackhat breaks the kiss and starts to slowly trail down Flugs neck, looking for his sweet spot. Fug's breath hitches and Blackhat smiles as he abuses the new found control. He bites down gently and Flug lets out a moan, digging his hands into Blackhat's back.

Flug tugs on Blackhat jacket and gives another small moan. Blackhat looks at him with lust and pulls off his jacket and undershirt, he then helps Flug pull off his shirt as well and tackles him with another kiss. Making his way down Flug's neck he continues, down his scarred chest and to his hips, Flug was very skinny but had very feminine hips, which stuck out past the rest of his body (He thiccc B'))
Blackhat softly kisses the inside of Flug's thighs and goes up and down in a slow motion. Flug gives a needy whine and squirms in his boxers.

"Impatient, are we?" Blackhat grins as he pulls Flugs boxers down in a swift movement, the man gasped at the sudden flee of warmth and crossed his legs, embarrassed.
He wasn't as small as Blackhat expected, he was actually quite, large. (You choose how long, nasty perverts lol)
Blackhat leans down and unfolds Flug's legs, then plants a kiss on the end of his member, proceeding to take in Flug's length. Flug lets out moans and excited gasps as he pushes Blackhats head down farther and farther. Blackhat of course didn't mind, he had no gag reflex so this way easy as sucking a lollipop, he found Flug's moans so sexy and feels his own member grow very excited at the beautiful sounds.

Flug's pov

It was wonderful, almost dreamlike as Blackhat took me in, his mouth surprisingly soft. Suddenly it was cold and Flug gasped for air, he was pre cumming already, embarrassing.
He looked to Blackhat who was now taking off his own pants and boxers, Flug gasped at Blackhat's size, well, erm, sizes. instead of one member Blackhat had three, though they looked to be more like tentacles. Flug cautiously crawled forward and took one of Blackhat's tentacles in his hand, then started to move his hand up and down, Blackhat breathed out a relaxed sigh and took Flug's face in his hands to kiss his cute face again.
Flug's hand sped up as Blackhat made out with him, he slowed down and broke the kiss, Blackhat looking confused. Slowly he crawled to the head of the bed and bent over and whispered.


Blackhat didn't even take a second, he was there, slowly inserting himself into Flug, trying to make it least painful as possible for his beautiful boy. He moved slowly, getting Flug used to one of his size and started to speed up, the bed started to creak as he pumped faster and faster into Flug, who was panting and moaning furiously. Another one of Blackhat's members started to stroke Flug's and Blackhat leaned over to kiss his neck, grunting and letting out small moans every now and then.

It was truly bliss as Flug let out an extremely loud moan, yelling Blackhat's name as he cummed all over his sheets and his new love. Not long after Blackhat cummed deep inside Flug, then slumped down, pulling out.

"I think I like you, Flug" Blackhat whispered before falling asleep, holding his lover.
Flug blushed a deep scarlet before responding.

"I think I like you too."

Weeeeee I did a LonG chapter
You're welcome, please enjoy B')
Sorry to those who don't like smut or self harm, I still hope you liked it
owo what's this? Blackhat's still drunk tho, will he remember everything when he wakes up?? >:3
~~The Writer ;')

I finished this early so you're welcome lol
I felt bad leaving you with nothing for so long

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