Dare 30

668 18 3

"Hey, Blurr.
I dare you to play 7 HOURS in heaven with Quickshadow on the smallest closet that you can fit in, facing each other."


Blurr: Oh boy...


Blurr: Now she's really mad

Quickshadow: Excuse me for a moment...*steps out of the room*

Quickshadow: *Punches something, comes back* Feeling better, now where were we? Oh wait..Excuse me but what the F...

Blurr: Anyway! No closet jokes?

Quickshadow: *sighs* Not in the mood


Quickshadow: I can barely move, this is the tiniest amount of personal space I've had

Blurr: What a mood, I wish I'd been hanging out with Sideswipe it something

Quickshadow: I'd rather take on the entire DJD

Blurr: What's that?

Quickshadow: You've never heard of them?

Blurr: Nope

Quickshadow: Well...

{Later after Quickshadow has described the Decepticon Justice Devision in great detail}

Blurr: 😳 , Well I'm glad I missed the war!

Quickshadow: Oh look at that, time's up!

*a few hours later*

Heatwave: How did you successfully traumatise Blurr?!

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