They Never Returned

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"Run my child run!" the mist said. So, I turned, running through the dark forest. I know I've been here before. I just can't put my finger on how. Suddenly the dark gravely howl ripped through the forest. I picked up pace even though my face is covered in cuts and blood from being whipped by the tree limbs I can't feel a thing. That is until I tripped on a fallen log. "Damnit Ari! I need to be more careful." Dusting myself off I try to stand only to fall again." I think my ankle is broken just great. I'm alone in the woods running for god only knows what reason and now I'm hurt." I brushed my hair from my face and looked up. "Oh shit" I gasped looking into the beading eyes of a large wolf. I started trying to slide backwards only for the wolf to growl causing me to stop suddenly. Next thing I know the wolf lunges. Fangs out aimed at my neck.

I shot out of bed gripping my chest. "Oh my... That had to me the most terrifying thing I've ever seen." I look out my window to see the sun just barely peaking over the horizon. I stand up bend my back in a stretch. Paddling over to my slippers and robe I walk out of my room. Seeing how dark and creepy the dark hallway is bringing me back to the reason I'm up so early, running down the hall scared out of my mind.

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom up and cooking breakfast. "Arabella why are you up so early? Normally your rolling out of bed 20 minutes before school starts and that's only after I've tried to wake you up for an hour."

"I had a weird dreamed and just woke up after. I felt like it was pointless to try and go back to bed. Hey, I'm sorry I like my sleep." I added at the end after everything she said to me made sense.

Mother just chuckled and went back to cooking. "You know me, and your father are leaving today for a trip with some friends, right?"

"Yes mom, and I also know I'm to listen to everything Holden, Jason, and Adeline tell me to do. Oh, and listen to the Alpha and Luna."

"Good girl your siblings should be spending most of the week over at the pack house."

Speak of the devils and they shall appear. I'm joking I love my sister and brothers. Holden is the oldest he is 17 then Adeline is 16 and Jason is also 16, but he's 10 months younger then Adeline. Then there's me Arabella, but you can call me Ari just like everyone else, I'm 13 the baby of the family.

"Hey lil sis you need a ride to school today?"

"Jason first of all I'm older then you, your only 'lil sis' is Ari and second neither of us can drive yet." Addy said smacking him upside the head.

"Damn you woman your going to give me a concussion!" he screeched like a girl.

"Hun you already have to much brain damage for a little hit to cause anymore."

We all looked at his confused face until you saw his recognition and then we started howling in laughter.

"Kids calm down, ok ok I get it that was a good one, but we wanted to explain what is going to happen while we are gone." That's when I noticed my dad showed up. He was a big guy, not fat, but tall and built like a house.

"You three are in charge of Arabella got it?" as you can tell my parents are the only ones who don't call me Ari.

"Ok mom we will, when are you leaving?" just then a car honked from outside.

"Now" my mother said laughing. "I love you guys remember that, ok?" why does she sound like she's never coming back it's only a week.

"Mom its only a week. That's seven days, 168 hours, or 10,080 minutes." I stated proudly.

"How the hell do you know that!" they all said pretty much at the same time. I just shrugged.

"Love you guys I have to get to school sorry." I said hugging my parents before running out the door.

I made my way down the wooded path towards Ethen James Middle School. Running up the stairs toward the mop of dark brown hair I know all too well.

"Lawrence!" I screamed while tackling my best friend ever. He may be 2 years older then me, but he's only one grade ahead of me, he's not the smartest.

"Why hello there Ari I was just wondering when you'd grace me with your presence." He said while hoisting me farther up his back and starting to walk into the school.

"You know I like to be fashionable late." I said jokingly

We walked into homeroom and took are separate seats towards the back. I didn't really pay attention much the rest of the day I just couldn't wait to get home and relax.

"Ari! Can you come help with dinner?" Addy yelled up the stairs. I got out of my comfy bed and walked down stairs.

"Yes Addy what do you what help with?" I looked up at her to see her just hold a phone with nothing started for dinner.

"Can you call and order some pizza? K thanks." As she threw her phone at my and walked out.

"Yeah sure your just to afraid that Nathaniel will answer." I whispered under my breath.

"You know it!" I hear her scream from the other room.

Nathaniel is 17 like Holden and is the Alpha's middle son, but he's the more popular of the two since Dylan likes to keeps to himself. After ordering the pizza and eating every last piece of 3 x-large pizza's we went to bed.

That's how things went for the next week, eating junk food every hour of the day and just lounging around. On the seventh day we all made sure the house would be clean for when our parents got home, but instead of them we got a letter.

We aren't coming back. We can't stand pack life. Hopefully we will see you in the future, if not we are sorry. Love you all

-Your Mother and Father (Kenneth's)

Nothing was ever the same.

***** Thanks for reading. I've only ever wrote one other werewolf book (Back when I was 13) and I ended up hating it and deleting it I hope this one turns out better. Thank you again*****


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