Chapter 3

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I ran through the forest tears streaming down my face.

"I knew it, it was my fault," I drop to me knees, "WHY! What did I ever do to deserve this!" I screamed collapsing into a hump on the mossy floor.

I laid there for who knows how long crying and crying until Lawrence came and found me.

"Oh hunny, I'm so sorry I just heard about everything Alpha had a pack meeting about it."
"What did he tell them?" I sniffled whipping my eyes on the palm of my hand.

"It doesn't really matter, what matters is your safe, no thanks to anyone else. I heard they just let you run off over 4 hours ago and never bother to go looking for you." He looked pissed. "Yeah I get it your parents were looking into something to do with you, but that doesn't mean that its your fault or that you planned for them to get killed. I don't understand why people think you set the whole thing up I mean your only 13 for Christ's sake-"

"Wait people think I set up their murder?"

"Did I say that out loud?" he looked at me, "Shit I didn't mean for you to find out this way, I wanted to tell you when we got home and you got cleaned up and calmed down a bit."

"Why would they think that?"

"Well supposedly you knew what they were looking into and didn't want them to find out anything and tell people so you had them killed." He looked away into the distance, "You didn't do that did you Ari?"

"Christopher Lawrence Parker! You did not just ask me that! Of course I didn't plan for them to get murdered, I don't even know what they were looking into about me." I turned away from him, how could my best friend think I would do such a thing. Well a lot of people I guess think I did that so you never know.

"I'm heading back to the house." I stalked off in the direction of the house.

"Once you get there Alpha would like to see you." He mumbled walking away.

Once I returned home I realized how late it had gotten almost midnight. Walking into the house I didn't think any lights would be one since it was so late, but in the living room Alpha was waiting for me with my siblings.

"Alpha," I bowed "I was told you wanted to see me."

"Yes, Arabella. please take a seat." he motioned to the one couch no one was sitting on. None of my siblings would even look at me.

"I wanted to talk about what happened today. As you were told and probably already knew your parents are believed to be dead, killed to be specific. I just want to know why you had them killed. I will go easy on your punishment if you will let me know why."

"I didn't though, I didn't even know they were looking into me, how do you guys know that's what they were doing?"

"Well more letters came in after the one you guys got a few months ago stating the real reason they went on their trip. In one they stated they thought someone knew what they were looking for and wanted to kill them to stop their search."

"I promise I didn't have them killed why wont anyone believe me?" standing to my feet, I started getting upset.

"Maybe because it is your fault that our mother and father are gone! It's your fault that they won't be able to see me and Jason shift, or any of us three get married. Why would you kill your own parents!"Adeline  screamed at me before running into Holden's arms, he walked her out of the room with Jason, both of them glaring at me.

"Alpha I swear to you I had nothing to do with this, please believe me." I begged

"I'm sorry there is nothing I can do if you wont tell me anything, your young still so maybe you don't understand the severity of what you have done so I'm only sentencing you to 5 months in the holding cells. A guard will be here for you in 15 minutes remember no jewelry or personal items allowed down there." Alpha stood and left me still bowing crying.

I crumpled to the ground sobbing, my own siblings didn't believe me. Before I knew it 4 rough hands grabbed my arms lifting me up.

"Miss Arabella Kenneth, this can go the easy way or hard way it's up to you." the one guard said looking at me with distrust.

I started walking following them to the outer most part of the territory where the dungeon and holding cells were. The holding cells were said to be nicer then the real cells and they don't have as much security.

As we walked we past by many empty cells, finally stopping at number 13.

"This will be your bedroom, bathroom, living room, your whole house for the next 5 months so keep it nice. Oh and as you probably could tell your the only one in the holding cells right know, so we will know if you try anything." The other guard roughly pushed me into the cell while his partner talked. "Lights will go out in 3 minutes so get used to where things are as there is no other light source down here." They locked the cell door and turned back down the hall leaving me alone, how I will be for the next 5 months.

I turned to look at the cell. It was a bit bigger then the dungeon cells, still only a metal cot in the corner, metal toilet in the other and just a shower head sticking out of the wall. A small chair nailed to the ground faced the entrance and a small book shelf with a deck of cards and a few books. The cot only had a sheet on it no pillow or blanket. Just as I was going to turn around and ask for one the lights cut out and I was left in pitch blackness.

I wondered my way over to the cot, falling onto it and for the hundredth time tonight sobbing my little heart out. This is going to be a horrible 5 months down here.

Love you guys


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