Scared of Life

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To give you all a feeling about what I am trying I will tell The story of my life first.

When I was 3 years old, my parents divorced because my dad cheated on my mom. My dad got married 2 other times, but he divorced both the times. Besides he got 5 other girlfriends. Now I am 15 and he is finally single. I go to him twice a month, and I hate it. He left me so many times, I don't trust him anymore and I don't think I will ever again. He dumped me for the kids of his exwife several times, and he only picks my side when he is single.

My mom Is single since she divorced my dad. I'm quite happy with that, but we always fight. She works most of the time and we see each other only 1 hour a day. 

My grandpa is sick and I have to go to him the whole time, because of medicines and things. When I am not at his place, he calls me the whole day. I know he can't help it because he forgets everything. When I don't go to him for 4 days, he doesn't remember me either, he calls me girl and he says I am a nurse or anything. It hurts to hear that. Every time I am there I here the words ''I wanna die, I don't wanna bother you anymore''. And yes I am absolutely tired, but no fucking way that I will give up on my grandpa!

I am not good at school, I don't get good grades, and I don't learn or make homework. I don't want to spend my time on things like that. 

I am really insecure and I don't feel good in my own body, when I look around everyone is so pretty. And then I look in the mirror and I see someone I don't want to be. I have cut for a long time but I stop I am clean for almost 2 months now. My best friend, a sister to me, helped me through hard times and she showed me I am not that worthless as I think.

I know she will read this, and I am really thankful she is still by my side after all what happened! Our one year friendship anniversary will be soon and I love her. 


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