My mom had breast cancer

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It was somewhere January 2013 when we heard the news. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was like my whole world would fall apart. I’m definitely a mum’s girl and I was scared as hell. 

It all started with a population test. Before that test no one knew there was something wrong. My mum didn’t felt something in her breast and she was like “I’m just going to be sure nothing’s wrong” 

But she was wrong. Very wrong. 

They saw something in her breast and they weren’t sure what it was. But we were told that it might be cancer. There was maybe 10 or 20 percent, it was not. 

And after all. She had cancer. A tumor of 11 mm. 

It wasn’t a surprise that my mum had cancer. Because the chance she hadn’t was so small. 

And since that day my life changed. 

It was pretty hard to understand that my mum had cancer. I mean, it’s not nothing. At school I didn’t told anyone about it. Not because I don’t have friends. No. 

It’s just, I’m not the person who just says it. There has to be a good moment for it. And when it’s not, well then I won’t tell it. After all the worst choice in my life. About not telling my friends about my mum. 

After all I told my friends. On the day of my mum’s operation. They where so shocked. And I remember myself, sitting in the school canteen. With my friends all hugging me, while I was in tears. They where so supportive. 

After my mums operation. She needed still two months of radiation. Maybe the hardest time of all the cancer thing. 

She had to go, every single day to the hospital. Expect for the weekends. Every week day, a day of radiation. 

Every day she went with my dad to the hospital. It all went so fast. They where longer in the car on their way than they where at the hospital. 

The day before my birthday. She had her last radiation. Her radiation period was hard. Not only for her but for everyone. The radiation litterly broke my mum. She was tired, she had to stop working. My dad had to do so much more than normal. He had to cook, clean, do the laundry. Everything. But he wasn’t alone because me and my sister helped him through it. 

After her radiation (my mum didn’t needed any chemo because they removed the tumor at the operation and because they we’re right on time with it, it was only in her breast. And no where else) she’s got medication. Hormone pills, which she has to take five years. 

In the beginning those pills where horrible. My mum went sick of them. When she was sick she couldn’t hold any food and the only thing she could do was lay down in bed. 

The sickness she got lasted for a month and after that she stopped getting sick of them. My mum went good again and a couple weeks later she started to work again. 

My mum had always been possible about it. She never was like: “Oh I’m gonna die” My mum was so strong and she still is. It’s amazing. 

Right now. One and a half year later, my mum’s still good. She still goes to the hospitals for revise. And she still takes the hormone pills. 

But it’s maybe weird to say but she still has both of her breast and she never bend her head down. Her chin was always up. Always. She was so strong and still is. 

I love my mum with my whole heart and my respect grows with the day for her. Really. 

Nothings gonna beat her down. Not even breast cancer. 

[A/N: Till now this was one of the hardest stories i have read. I am glad your mom is okay now!!]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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