My Strange Girl

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Laito's P.O.V

Why do I care for this human? She should be nothing but food to me. That is what the Priest told me. She shouldn't make me feel this way. I just want to kiss her and never let her go.

"Laito! Can we please go in! It is cold." I snap out of my thoughts.

"I am sorry (y/n). Yes we can."

(y/n)'s P.O.V

It is freezing outside. I am glad they picked me up. I don't have to freeze outside or fight off the pervs that comes to the part at night to get a little something out of the girls with no homes. Laito brings me inside holding on to me tightly.

"Who the hell is this?" Asks a cute red-head with green eyes. Laito kisses your neck.

"It is little bitch. She will be staying with us." The red-head smiles.

"Well let's introduce ourselves! I am Ayato. The boy on the couch with purple hair is Kanato, the one with white hair is the youngest of us 6 brothers. He is Subaru. The oldest brother is the one with blonde hair. He is Shu. And lastly, the 2nd to oldest is Reiji with dark purple hair and glasses. Clearly you already know Laito." Laito smirks.

"She will get to know me more soon enough." Reiji stands up.

"Enough Laito! We need to figure out where she is going to sleep. We don't have enough rooms and I don't think she would like to sleep alone in a house like this or more like we don't trust her alone." Reiji glares at Kanato.

"She can sleep in my room." Laito says.

"Anyone else?" Reiji asks. No one says anything.

"I will." Kanato says.

"She will be in Laito's room." Laito smiles and brings me to his room.

No one's P.O.V

Each time he sees (y/n), he feels like she is the only one in the world for him. He leans over and kisses the female on the lips. She pushed him away.

"Haha. You can't deny me my pretty little bitch." He grabs her hips and sat them down on his bed. He picks her up and puts her on top of him. He pulls down the top of her shirt. "Hold still Bitch-chan." He sucks at her neck and bites hard.

"Stop! That hurts." He doesn't listen and your vision blurs. "You are my pretty little bitch. No one else can have you." your vision turns black.

Laito's P.O.V

Her fragile body goes limp in my arms. Her sleeping face is so cute. I holds her bridal style.

"I will never let you go my bitch-chan." I decide it is time that I rest too so I lay her down and I cuddle with her until I drifted off to sleep.

(y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up to see Laito's sleeping face. He looks so innocent that it is cute. His arms are wrapped around me so it is hard to move. I slowly sit up not to wake him but he pulls me right back down.

"Where are you going little bitch?"

"N-Nowhere Laito-kun." He shakes his head.

"Don't lie to me little bitch. I don't like it when people lie." He rolls me on top of him. He grabs my hips and starts rocking me fowards and backwards. He lets out a little moan. To be honest it was really cute. I start to giggle but then I cover my mouth to hide the giggles. "What is so funny?" He stops rocking me and gives me a confused look.

"That sound you made was really cute." I smile at him. He chuckles.

"You really are a strange girl." He pushes me down to where our bodies are connecting and he licks my neck. He digs his fangs through my skin. I let out a little moan as well. Mostly because it hurt though. I can feel him smirking against my neck. "My strange girl." All I did was nod in agreement. But in my head, I know that the only reason he is caring for me, is because I am his food. Nothing more. Even though I am developing feelings for him. He pulls away from my neck and looks at me. "You are so beautiful Bitch-chan." He tries to kiss me but I push him away and I start to cry. I quickly got up and ran out the door. I ran down this long hallway, down the stairs, and out the front door.

"Where do you think you are going Cupcake?" You turn around to see Ayato.

"N-nowhere. Just outside for air." He turns around and walks inside. Before he shut the door he yells to me.

"You escape, you will die." Then he shuts the door. Once I definitley know that I am alone, I start to cry. He doesn't love me. He only loves my blood. I will never get to be with him. I hear the door creak open. I turn around to see Laito. I quickly wipe my eyes. He frowns at me.

"Did I do something wrong Bitch-chan? I didn't mean to hurt you." I shake my head.

"It wasn't you hurting me." He hugs me. I flinched when his arms wrapped around me so he let's go.

"Then what is the matter? Why are you so jumpy all of the sudden?" I shake my head again. "Answer me." He growls, clearly getting upset. I don't reply. He picks me up and brings me inside. "Tell me now." I look away from him. He gets pissed and walks away. He walks right by Ayato.

"Hey Laito. What's up? You look pissed."

"I'm trying to get Little Bitch to talk but she won't talk to me." Ayato smiles.

"Maybe I can help you." Ayato walks down stairs and sits next to me on the couch."Come on Cupcake. Please tell me what is the matter." I sigh.

"I fell in love with Laito. But he only sees me as food. I am nothing else." I start to cry again.

"Talk to him about it cupcake." And with that, he smiles and walks away.

Hello. I am so sorry but I had 5 chapters completed but my friend reset everything. I will have more published soon I promise!

 I will have more published soon I promise!

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