One Event After Another

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(y/n)'s P.O.V

After my chat with Ayato, I feel much better and I decide to talk to Laito. When I was making my way up the stairs, I see Kanato.

"Oh. H-hello Kanato-kun." He smiles.
"Quick (y/n). Come with me. I need to show you something. I take a step back. Why is he talking to me? Doesn't he hate me?

"Okay Kanato-kun." He grabs my wrist and drags me down a long hallway. After a few minutes of running in different directions, we made it to a room. I look at Kanato and I see a psycho's smile. He opens the door and I see a lot of bride wax figures. I smile. "They are beautiful!" I say while he is dragging me down the aisle.

"Thank you Doll-chan!" Doll-chan? Why does he call me that? I shake it off. I look at the figures.

"They are kind of scary don't you think Kanato-kun. I wish they were cute like teddy."

"Yes Doll-chan. Teddy is the cutest of them all but in terms of soullessness, teddy is like them." Soullessness? I look at the wax figures again. Wait a minute..... They don't look like they are made of wax.

"K-Kanato. Are these figures real girls?!" Kanato nods.

"I was wondering. Would you like to be part of my collection Doll-chan?" I quickly pull my hand away.

"N-no. Leave me alone. HELP!" I turn around and I run. I feel something grab my wrist again and pins me against the wall.

"Come on Doll-chan, you would look so pretty and I promise I will take good care of your body."

"N-no! Stop!" I run out and I make it to the bottom of the steps when Kanato drags me to the closest couch.

"Kanato stop!" I squeeze my eyes shut. Nothing comes though. All I hear is a bang and groaning.

"Don't touch her Kanato!" I look at my savior and I see Ayato. Kanato growls.

"You bastard." Kanato walks away and my vision goes black.

No one's P.O.V

Ayato looks at (y/n).

"What are we gonna do with you troublesome girl." He picks her up and carries her to her room. By the time Ayato gets up the stairs, Laito runs out.

"What is wrong? I heard (y/n) yelling." He looks at her in Ayato's hands. "What did you do to her Ayato?" Ayato hands her to Laito.

"I didn't do anything. Oh and by the way, I talked to her. She loves you. She just doesn't think you love her." Ayato walks away leaving Laito alone with (y/n). He looks down at her sleeping form. He smiles and brings her into his room.

"Goodnight bitch-chan."

(y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up to Reiji tapping on my shoulder.

"Wake up disobedient. There is someone at the door for you." I slowly get up and change into a red long sleeve and a green mini-skirt. I walk down the stairs and I see my uncle at the door. He is 25 years old and his black hair is neatly back. His ocean blue eyes looks straight into my (e/c) eyes. He puts on a fake smile.

"Ahhhhh my niece! I was so worried about you!" I glare at him. He walks closer to me but stops when I back up a little.

"I am here to take you back home." I start laughing like a maniac. Laito places his hand on my shoulder.

"Bitch-chan? Are you okay? You're acting like Kanato." Subaru comes up to me and rubs my back, trying to calm me down.

"You want me to come home?! That place was never home! You kicked me out right when we got there! I have been living on a fucking bench or the church during winter. Because of you, I lost my brother!!!" I yell at him. My uncle comes up to me and grabs me by the wrist.

"Let's go! The church will be at my house soon to see if you are holding up alright. I already said your brother ran away but you were still there. So we are leaving right now." He pulls me off of the steps so hard, I fell on my ankle. I cry in pain. Laito quickly grabs my uncle by the neck and he slams him against the wall.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I look around the house. Subaru has 3 throwing knives in his hand on the stairs, Reiji is standing right next to Laito, Shu is laying on the couch with his earbuds in, Ayato has a sword like a badass, and Kanato is holding teddy right next to me. My uncle gasps for air as Laito squeezes his neck harder. "Leave. And don't ever come back again!" He let's go of my uncle and turns back to me.

"Look teddy, Laito scared off the man." Laito tries to help me stand up. I wince in pain and i sit back down.

"I-it hurts. I can't stand." Laito looks down at me and picks me up.

"Well then let's go to the hospital." We all head to the limo with Laito still carrying me and to be honest, I don't mind being this close to him right now because I know that I am safe. We get into the limo and laito sets me down in a seat next to him. He looks down at my . "Um,." I look at him funny then I look at my side. "What happened to your side?" I look down at my side and I see blood on my shirt. Subaru looks out the window.

"She might have collided with my knives on her way down." Laito lifts up my shirt to see the gash and it did look like a knife wound but it is deep. A lot of blood was coming out of it. My vision blurs.

"(y/n)? (y/n)?! Stay with us!" I heard Laito shout before my vision goes black.

(time skip brought to you by thanksgiving)

I wake up in a white room with a flat screen tv. I look at my surroundings. I am in a hospital room. Next to my bed is Laito in a chair, fast asleep. The nurse comes in and smiles at me.

"Your awake! This man here wouldn't leave your side. Even when visiting hours were over, he wouldn't leave. Haha. I wish I had a guy like that." I nod.

"Okay so what is wrong with my leg and the gash on my side?" The nurse places a pair of crutches at the foot of my bed.

"Well you severely sprained your ankle and that wound is gonna take a while to heal. Don't move around so much or get too stressed out or that wound will open up again. If it does though it shouldn't be so bad because I got the best doctors to work on you." She smiles. Was that supposed to cheer me up? Well she sucks...

"For how long do I have to be on crutches?" She shrugs. 3 to 4 weeks. If you are still in a lot of pain, please use it longer. I have to go now, you will be released tomorrow."

"Hold on. Before you leave, how long was I out for?"

"3 days ma'am." She walks out of the room. 3 days? I've missed some class time then. Oh well. I guess this is better than school. I smile but then my side starts hurting. I groan in pain. Laito quickly opens his eyes.

"(y/n). You're awake. Thank...goodness....." And he passes out again. I reach my hand out and I rub his head.

"Thank you for staying with me." I lean over and I kiss him. He won't know because he is sleeping. When I pull away, he looks at me. "I-I-I can explain." I stutter. 

Hey guys. I was gonna post this on Thanksgiving for you guys but my internet started to suck, then I had to go downstairs and hang out with the family. So Happy Late Thanksgiving and I will see you, in the next chapter!

 So Happy Late Thanksgiving and I will see you, in the next chapter!

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