The all-seeing eye

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Jade POV

After the events that occurred over the last week, we all decided it would be beneficial to have a meeting discussing what had happened in the Kingdom and our plans for the future. Elsa began speaking,
"Okay, in the wake of all that has happened, I would like to welcome everybody to our first royal council." Elsa motions her hand to all of us."Jade, I would like to welcome you to this council due to your position held in Carona, Kristoff for your help in a time of great need, Olaf for coming along for the ride and Anna for being my sister."
"I don't really know what kind of position I hold back home anymore..." I interject
"You're not going to be another Hans are you?"Kristoff laughed half-heartedly
This immediately made me feel uncomfortable as I became aware of all of the eyes in the room on me, including the snowman to my right.
"I don't think Jade could ever do something like that" Anna smiled sweetly.
"Alright, moving on everybody" Elsa chuckled, "Firstly, Jade, although we are very thankful for everything you have done for us, I am sure I'm not the only one wondering what brought you to Arindelle." She finished.
"My best friend's father was trapped in amber and we don't know how to get rid of it. I saw some books back home referencing the trolls here and I thought that they might have a solution to it. Aside from that, I really just needed some time for myself..." I trailed off.
"What caused the amber to encase him? How does that even happen?" Anna spoke up
"Just some chemicals and magic rocks we shouldn't have been messing all happened so quickly; we didn't know how to stop it" I mumbled
"Varian ran for help but it was too late" I said under my breath, practically whispering. I felt three small sticks entwine with my fingers and realised that Olaf was holding my hand.
"You weren't using alchemy were you? I've heard all about a Varian who destroyed Carona with alchemy." Kristoff spoke gruffly.
This made me defensive,
"It wasn't Varian's fault, he was practically begging the royals for help but they wouldn't listen. Then they locked him away as if he started it." My voice was on the rise.
"Obviously they put him away. That kid's psycho" Kristoff rolled his eyes
I stood up reflexively "well half of the kingdom sure seemed to agree with me when we stormed the castle; the royals didn't know what hit them"
"What do you mean you stormed the castle?!" Anna said, visibly shaken by this information.
I crack my knuckles with a smirk, preparing to give her the rundown, "firstly, I created an army" I say, counting on my fingers as I go "Secondly, I rounded up the people. Thirdly I created chemically tipped arro—"
"Enough!" Elsa stood, slamming her hands on the desk and creating frost in the wake of her fists. "Jade, if this is true, we cannot have you in our kingdom any longer, but with that being said, we owe it to you to help you achieve what you originally come here to do."
Elsa turned her attention to Olaf "Olaf, can you please take Jade to the trolls? You seem to be the most closely bonded with her."
"Sure thing, Elsa!" Olaf smiled, with his hand still in mine, the small snowman began to lead me out of the room.
"Bye Anna, I never wanted you to have a bad impression of me" I smiled and waved at the princess.

Third POV

The door closes as Jade and Olaf exit, leaving Elsa, Anna and Kristoff to speak.
"I knew it!" Kristoff said, sitting down " I could tell, just from looking at her that we couldn't trust her."
"Hey, she really isn't that bad and she had her reasons...Love can make you do crazy things." Anna smiled up and Kristoff.
"Either way, we need to be careful around her" Elsa warned.

Time skip to Jade and Olaf at the trolls
Jade POV

We enter the cove of the trolls and I instantly notice a carving of a triangle, with not only an eye, but also a top hat and bow tie.
"Was that always here?" I ask with uncertainty
"Nope!" Olaf says with pep "Nice addition though"
"I have a bad feeling about this..."
As I was inspecting the carving, Pabbie, the elder troll, rolled up to my side and popped open.
"Ah yes, you have a keen eye, young Princess. This is not a good sign at all." Pabbie said calmly
Out of curiosity, I run my hand along the intricacies of the carving but as I do, it begins to glow and so too does the purple streak in my hair. I jump back in shock and look at the troll.
"Okay, there has to be a logical explanation for that" I say, grasping at the purple streak within my hair, tugging it into my field of vision.
"You don't believe in magic do you? Ironic for someone so clearly connected to the dream demon." Pabbie seemed amused.
"No, I am a woman of science; specifically alchemy...Wait, wait, wait, what was that about a dream demon?"
"Then how did you think I got here?" Olaf chimes in blissfully, breaking my train of thought.
"I don't know, some kind of weird mutation in the snow? I've seen some weird stuff over the last year and a half" I was getting flustered, I turned my attention to the troll.
"But I did come to ask about the whole amber situation"
"Yes, I know all about Quirin and I may know the answers that you seek." Pabbie replied and began projecting images from his hand
"While the sun and moon are both uniquely powerful, so too is an eclipse. Only with all three together, can balance be restored"
As Pabbie spoke the prophecy his projections first showed a sun with a woman below, and a moon with a man below. These two images collided and with a spark, a significantly short female figure was projected. At the end, all three stood together with hands held.
"So I have to find three people to put everything back in order?" I ask, clearly confused.
"No, only two and I have a feeling you know where they are."
"What about the third?"
"You are the third" Pabbie declares.
My eyes widen and my jaw drops.

????? POV

"Princess is getting far too close to ruining my plans. I need to do something about this quickly"

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