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little: Jungkook

daddy/papa: Yoongi


Jungkook : 

I woke up hearing Taehyung and Jimin screaming, their watching another Halloween movie - I don't blame them it is Halloween season, but still I want to sleep- I walked out of mine and Yoongi Hyung's shared room walking to the living room slowly '' Hyungs can you keep it down I want to sleep please?'' Tae nodded ''sorry Jungkook, want some popcorn to make up for it ?'' I shrugged and reached to take some but at the last second he snatched it away '' syke !'' this continued for a while and i could feel myself breaking down until eventually I feel down crying ''why you meanie TaeTae, kookie wan' popcorn NOW!!! '' I started kicking and punching the floor  i knew i was a little i just hadn't had the confidence to tell my hyungs i was afraid they'd hate little Kookie at I didn't want that so I'd kept my mouth shut but now i knew I'd just accidentally exposed myself as a little in don't of two of my Hyung's this was bad...this was beyond bad!! As i cried the others walked in, me on the floor kicking and screaming and Taehyung holding popcorn above his head as Jimin sat on the sofa looking honestly lost, nobody dared move as Yoongi Hyung scowled '' happy now you to he's slipped out of frustration'' i felt myself being picked up and someone rubbing my back whispering little things to me to try and calm me down and honestly it was working ... wait a second ... how did he know that i was a little i'd been so careful to hide my little things away ..... could've have been when he cleaned our room whilst me and Tae had been gaming, id known i'd lost my tiger paci in the mess on the floor and i hadn't found it but i didn't think he'd find it 

~~~~ Flashback to a few days earlier~~~~

3rd person POV: 

Taehyung and Jungkook had woken early and both were excited Namjoon Hyung had confirmed the group had a few days off and both boys were going to take advantage off it to test each others gaming skill. By the time the others had woken up Taehyung and Jungkook were struggling to be quiet this was their third game with uncountable matches it was common for the two boys to mock each other but they'd tried to let the others sleep and for that everyone was grateful as it was now only 7 am and the pair had been gaming for 2 hours already, After eating breakfast the two young members returned to their game this time Jimin joining them as Yoongi sighed '' Jungkook-ah I'm going to clean our room okay anything you don't want found go hide now '' the younger shook his head '' there's nothing '' he'd already hidden his little things on top of his wardrobe and that was too tall for Yoongi to see without standing on his bed, Yoongi nodded walking into their room starting to clean the room when he picked up Jungkook's bunny onesie he paused ... was that a Pacifier ... it was ... why did Jungkook have a pacifier with his bunny onesie, unless he liked having it with him when he wore the onesie, becoming curious Yoongi started looking round Jungkook's half of the room for something that could be linked, he spotted a box on top of Kookie's wardrobe and smirked standing on his bed there would't be any evidence as Yoongi was only wearing socks and he could remake the bed pulling the box to where he could see the contents he gasped the box was full of children's toys and clothes, digging through Yoongi found a piece of paper with a date on '' Finding out what the problem was 2012 ... this is from before we debuted '' he unfolded the paper carefully and read it taking a picture so he could research later he bit his lip '' so Jungkook is a little '' he whispered to himself and smiled placing everything back adding the tiger paci and the onesie to the box knowing the secret as to why his room mate liked the onesie so much because he could slip without it being obvious '' that kids got some control too not let his voice change '' he sighed softly continuing to clean the room not thinking more about how cute a little kookie 

~~~~~~ Flash back to present ~~~~~

Yoongi stood rubbing Jungkook's back whispering in his ear to calm the boy down '' okay Kookie go get dressed we'll watch some Disney movies okay and you can have as much popcorn as you want''; Kookie sniffed and nodded a smile breaking it's way onto the littles face "otay Yoonie " he whispered skipping into their room Yoongi turned back to the other members "Tae since this is your fault go make him snacks and popcorn, Jin hung please help him, Jimin, Hoseok please make a pillow fort for him and finally Namjoon, pick a Disney movie I'll be back with Kookie in a few minutes, I soon left walking into my room seeing Kookie sitting on the bed pouting looking up at the box '' Yoonie too high!'' He pouted at me and I smiled walking over standing on the bed hearing a squeal of '' be careful Yoonie! '' as I reached the box bringing it down so Jungkook could choose his things for today, he pulled out the bunny onesie a tiger paci and a small lion stuffie I'd given him after a day at the funfair for the Bangtan bomb. He held the onesie up looking at me '' helpies?'' he asked quietly ''of course prince '' I quickly changed him slipping the pacifier into his mouth before grabbing his hand leading him back out to see Taehyung and Jin bringing the last of the snacks to the huge fort Jimin and Hoseok had made Namjoon, had chosen sleeping beauty to hopefully encourage Kookie to sleep I knew that all of them wanted to know how I'd known exactly how too calm Kookie and what to do to make him happy, Jimin cooed seeing Kookie and I could understand why his cheeks were still flushed from his tantrum, his eyes were wide as he looked around they were slightly glassy from where he'd been crying and his hair was messy from where he'd been rolling on the bed when I was helping him get dressed. He dived into the fort taking me with him laying on my chest as Joon hit play on Sleeping Beauty and everyone settled down enjoying the snacks and pop corn and the cuddles that Kookie was offering everyone, but he always came back to me, soon enough he started to yawn '' sleep bun i'll be here when you wake up '' he sighed and nodded '' but papa I need goodnight kissies'' he whispered I bit my lip when he called me papa, I feel hella special, I leaned down kissing his cheek as he shook his head '' papa lippy kissies'' he leaned down kissing me softly before relaxing. I smiled softly when he started to fall asleep and whispered '' of course i'll be your papa Jungkookie'' I then fell asleep.

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