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I was in a room now. A bright ray of light made my eyes ache as I opened my eyes.

"Park Ryung. Have you been sorted into a color yet?"


"So in here, we're gonna see what color section you're in, there are the greens - extreme intelligence which are the safest, the blues - telekinetic and the yellows - the electricity powers. Anything beyond the yellows must be caged. Those are oranges and reds - you wouldn't want to know. I'm pretty sure you're a green... Hmm let's see," the doctor analyzed my brain. He told me it wasn't so bad. But then, in the computer, it shows ORANGE. I saw it.

I was scared

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I was scared.

"Hmm... We can fix this. This will all be simple." He says, bringing out a syringe. I tried to run. He gripped my wrist hard but I held his hand and said,

"I am a GREEN. I am the intelligent ones. Change it NOW." My said calmly as my eyes were flashing orange. The doctor nodded and obediently changed my data to GREEN - SAFE TO APPROACH.

That's when I was put to torcher and slavery. I fucked up big. I wasn't smart at all. For ten years, I lived and grew there. Hell - it was only GREENS, BLUES and YELLOWS. No oranges or reds.

I wanted to escape. Everyone was sick. Kids there had never slipped a word. Only the SWAT members telling us when to EAT, SLEEP and WORK.

I hated it. I wanted to kill myself. But hey, I wouldn't come this far without my powers.


A.V : Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Sorry if it was a short chapter. These 2 chapters were how it started (flashbacks basically). Anyways thank you whoever you are reading this!

Love y'all! Me signing out.

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