(Requested) Koneko x Male Lonely Reader

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Requested by: Slayer7Reading

Enjoy! And maybe I will make this short... sorry...



I lay on my back as I feel the punches from the people that I once knew were my friends until they started bullying me for fun... I also felt like they have manage to break my left arm as I just accepted the pain...

Bully #1: Hey, Y/N! *Kicks to the Face* You think you can have the girl that I like just like that! *Punch* *Kick* *Kick* *Combo!* (Sorry!)

Each punch and kick he did to me, I cough and cough in pain until I started coughing out blood as I still accept it... but what he said about the girl he likes is nothing to do with me...

Y/N: P-Please... *Cough* I-I don't k-know... wh-what you're t-talking a-about!

I manage to said it but I only received more punches and kicks from him and his 2 goons...

Bully #1: Stop lying, Trash! *Kicks*

Bully #2: Bro, we better stop this for now...

Bully #1: What! No, I will make sure that this trash will know who he is messing with!

Bully #3: I think he had enough for now... and if we found out that he didn't then we will just finish him off... Let's go, I got hungry from beating that kid...

I saw them walk away with my eyes as I lay on the ground and behind the school and behind the trees and bushes as I think that death will probably come to me soon enough...

Y/N: I have no friends... no family... no love interest... I'm alone... to die... and forgotten....

I last thought as I felt my eye lids is getting a bit heavy and I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me but before I could go unconscious, I heard a gasp from a girl as I felt her carry me and something wet hit my face and there, I lose consciousness...


I shot up from what it seems to be a bed... I look around and saw that I am in a different bedroom... I didn't recognize any of this furniture in my room... it is too... girly...

Y/N: Where am I? What happened? Agh! My head! Agh! My arm! Agh! My leg!

I shouted every time I accidentally touched or hit my broken arm and leg as I also had a huge headache... I look at my body to see a cast around my left arm and my whole right leg while I also have a cast on my left feet...

Y/N: Damn... How did I even survive from this? Am I... Neh! That's ridiculous... Of course there is no way that I'm batman or something... (Hehehe... Sorry)

I said as I then felt something moved from my right side of the bed, I lift the covers as I saw a...

Y/N: Naked Neko!!!! No! Neko is just Fiction!!! (I know). This must be a dream! (It's not, bro). Did I... (No... Wait a minute! Why am I doing this again! Fuck!!!)

I then saw her shift as she raised her head and open her eyes slowly like a cat would do... I then looked away and started to moved to the side of the bed but suddenly, I felt two arms on my shoulder as she pulls me back on the bed...

???: Where are you going~ I still need to tend for your health~ Master~

Y/N: The Fuck!!! What just happen after I lose conscious!!! And why is she calling me master!!! Who is this NEKO GIRLD ANYWAY!!!

Koneko: I'm Koneko, the same student in your room... And also, I just like it to call you Master~

Y/N: Did she just read my mind!

Koneko: Yes... I am... Master~

Y/N: Gah! Alright! First of all! Take some clothes on, alright!

Koneko: If that is what you want... Master~

Y/N: Please... Drop the master thing... My name is Y/N not Master...

I said as I face the opposite from her as she stood up from bed and started to wear her clothes...

Koneko: Alright, Y/N-sama~

Y/N: Worst... but alright...

I then try to stood up as I manage to do so, I was then about to fall front first but luckily Koneko caught me in time as she is now wearing her uniform... but I feel something not right from her touches from those clothes...

Koneko: Y/N-sama, let me help you walk...

I nodded as I saw her wrap her arm around my stomach because I am a bit taller than her as I then look to the bed... I saw a pink bra and pantie... my mind went blank as I slowly look down at Koneko as she looks up at me with hearts in her eyes and a bit blush on her cheeks...

Y/N: K-Koneko... Do you wear your....

Koneko: No, you told me that I should wear "some" of my clothes...

Y/N: What! I didn't thi-

Koneko: Hush, I will guide you to a much more private room... to relax~

Y/N: No, please no...

Koneko: Sorry, but I need some special needs from the person that I loved the most, Y/N-sama

I screamed like Darth Vader's "NOOOoooooo!!!" As I tried to get away but my body is still a little weak as she carried me with ease as she starts walking towards the end of the corridor as I try to reason with her as she just giggles cutely... CUTELY!!! I WILL BE RAPED CUTELY!!!

Rias's POV

Issei: I think we should go and check up on Koneko, Rias...

Rias: NO! Continue your training or no breast grope tonight!

Issei: Why! Why!

I saw him continue pushing a very large boulder as I sat on his back while drinking tea with Akeno...

Akeno: You better work hard, Issei~ You only have 2 minutes before I electrocute you again....

Rias: Make that 1 minute, Akeno...

Akeno: Sure do, Miss President

Issei: Wait! That's not fair!

Rias: Make it 30 seconds, Akeno

I said as Akeno's hands glowing a bit and some electricity passing through as Issei is starting to push the large boulder much harder....



Female Various x Male Reader Vol.1 (Revived)Where stories live. Discover now