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Hi guys! It's Julia and Katie, the authors of this book. Please vote and comment! :)

~ JK



*Some place in Quebec*

The atmosphere had changed. Everyone noticed. The air was thick, almost choking. Cases of the flu and malaria were reported all over town. Little Susie Carol was aware of this, more than any other average six year old did. The news was playing more than any other show in the world, mostly because of the mass death count throughout the countries. Even though her parents cautioned her and her older brother, Daniel, sending them to their room, Susie still listened through the air vent.

"This is Greg Houtland, of Channel 5 news, updating you on the current global catastrophe. The death toll has now reached about 14,000,000 in Canada alone. People are cautioned to only leave their houses when in dire need of food, water, and toiletries. This is urgent. Anyone who doesn't heed this warning will find themselves with the many who have lost their lives to these terrible plagues. Again, this is Greg Houtland, signing out."

Susie sighed, turning back to her brother. "It's gotten so much worse, Danny. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm scared." 16 year old Daniel didn't know what to say, so he picked up his little sister and hugged her while she cried. "Hey, listen." He placed her down on the bed and kneeled so they were eye level. "Everything is going to be just fine, okay? We are doing everything we can." Susie stopped crying for a moment to say "But what if that isn't enough?" Daniel couldn't reply to this.

"Why don't you just go to sleep, and I promise, everything will be better when you wake up." Daniel tucked his sister in to bed and proceeded to lay down himself. Drifting off into a fitful sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about how his promise to Susie would never be kept.




Daniel jerked awake, shielding his face from the sudden heat that surrounded his body. He could hear sirens outside, the screaming and crying of civilians invading his ears. He stood, shakily walking to the window to see what was causing the chaos.

"No," He said, backing away from the window. "No, no, no!" He screamed, running urgently to Susie's side of the room. He shook her form under the blankets. "Susie! Wake up! We need to go, now!" Daniel exclaimed, rolling her onto her back.

The only thing he saw was Susie's lifeless form staring back at him, her blue eyes glossy, a gushing wound in her shoulder.

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