Our Moment (1)

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This is the beginning.
Our moment together, forever...


It is raining outside. Not many people on the street but there are few people carrying umbrella. Try not to get soaked because of the pour raining.

Ilhoon looks outside on the cafe with his americano. He tried to write but he can't seem to get the start. He's stuck and staring at the street. Trying to find some inspiration.

Then he look at the girl on the outside of the cafe. She soaked in rain and her face looks a bit tired and annoyed with the sudden rain. She looks around and she smiled. Then she got into the cafe. Sit in the table that are in front of Ilhoon.

Ilhoon looks at her. He doesn't know why he keep looking at her but something is different with her. Her expression, her smile, her gesture. The small detail on her seem interesting to Ilhoon. She smiled with someone that looks like her friend. Talking about everything from A-Z.

After a hour, she is alone. It seems like her friend goes first and she decided to stay a bit longer on the cafe. She put on her earbuds and sipping a hot latte on her hand. Try to warm herself. But suddenly her face got confused.

She tried to find something on her bag. Then she hit her head. It seems that she forgot her wallet and can't pay the bill.

Finally, Ilhoon mustered up his courage and sit in front of her. She startled at the sudden man that sitting in front of her.

"You seem to lost your wallet. Isn't it?" Ilhoon said while giving his best smile. Try not to scare her.
"Ummm yeah. I forgot it and I tried to call my friend but she doesn't pick up the phone." She said.
"I'll help you. No need to pay back because it seem you have a bad day. I want to cheer you up." Ilhoon said. He call the waiter and paid her bill along with his.

The girl smiled, "Thank you. But I can't accept stranger money. Maybe I will pay you back when we meet again."
"By the way, I'm Ilhoon. Jung Ilhoon." He said
"Pardon?." She look confused.
"I thought you have to know my name if you want to pay me back later."
She smiled again, "I'm Y/N."

2 days later...

Y/N look at the clock. It is already 6 pm but she still at work. She packs up and decided to going home and cook some dinner later. She goes to the supermarket nearby and buy some groceries.

"Y/N-ssi right?" A sudden call makes her turn around. She looks at the man in front of her then smile.
"Ilhoon-ssi? I don't know we will meet here again!"
"Yeah. I ran out my ramyeon so I decided to stock up some." He said, "By the way, what are you buying?"
"Ah. I don't have any ingredients to cook dinner tonight so I bought some."
"Oh. Then will you go out dinner with me tonight? I'll pay" Ilhoon said.
"Wh... what? Oh! Sure"

To be continued...

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