Our Moment (2): Destiny

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This is the part 2 of previous chapter. A short fanfic and the ending didn't turn out to be what I wanted at first. But it kind makes sense to end it that way. Maybe I will find some inspiration on the next fanfic which is I don't know when 😅



After a unexpected dinner with the man that helps you the other day, You can't help thinking about it. He such a fun person. It seems that your conversation doesn't stop each time you both talking.

Suddenly your phone buzzed, its Ilhoon messaged you to ask about the next date, which is lunch on the weekend. Wait... its not a date actually but you think that way since you getting interested in him.


"So what did you want to eat?" Ilhoon asked you while he stare at the road in front.
"Anything. I don't have any preference to what I'm eat. Pretty much an eater" You joked.
"Then I know a restaurant that serves a good pasta! Do you mind if we having lunch there?"
"Sure. Pasta is a good idea."

You both sit at this fancy looking restaurant. It is pretty decorated restaurant with a garden on the back. That would be nice to have a date here you thought.

Wait... maybe this is a date. But isn't it too early? Considering that both of you just meet around a week ago.

"Is anything okay? You seems troubled." Ilhoon said, he's worried that you just nod when he ask about what did you want to eat, and everything that he said to you. You even don't remember what did you order earlier.
You came back into your senses, "No! I'm okay. I'm just awe at this place. Its so pretty."
"Yeah right? My noona opened this place and his husband design the place for her."
"Oh! No wonder you took me here. Well, its a good place to have a date..." You suddenly stop as you realized it. Date? Oh you feel stupid now. You sipping your water to escape from the awkwardness that you just made.
Ilhoon took a sip of water as he said, "That's why I bring you here. To have a date with you."

Now you chocked as you sipping your water. "Wait.. what? A date?"
"Yes. I'm asking you to be my date now." Ilhoon said with his eyes staring at you. You can feel your cheeks getting red with his word and how your heart beating fast.
"Well, you got yourself a date." You replied him.
He smiled as he took your hands, "Maybe this is too early but I already fall in love with you at the moment I saw you entered the cafe when we meet."
You can't believe at what he said. You staring back at him with a wide smile, "Me too."

Little did he know, you also falling for him the moment he saw you on the window while you get annoyed and soaked with the rain.

You two falling for each other like a destiny.

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