one: nothing

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Is there a way to describe...nothing?

I'm here, but I'm not. I'm real, but fake. I'm not sure.

I don't know what this is, or what I am, but all I know is it feels like I'm floating.

Like my body, the one the I don't have, that can yet can't feel, is wading through warm, thick, molasses.

I can't see anything.
I can't feel anything.
I can't be anything.

But I do.
I don't remember how I got here. Or who, what, or why I am. When did I become conscious?

But these visions, if that's what they are, are so beautiful, so real. Its like a dream, they come on so intense, vivid, detailed.

They leave as fast as they go. It's like pieces of a huge puzzle, scenes of a movie, falling around me, out of order.

Are they memories of whoever I was? Am I watching the life of someone else?

Are these snapshot moments even connected?

I'm so confused. What am I? How can I think yet not be?

I have an awareness of the world, of people and things. Of emotions and thoughts, yet none seem to be mine. I possess nothing, I am and I am not.

The only thing I know is the nothingness I'm trapped in. And I can't even know what that is!

I can't even describe it. Saying I'm incased in darkness would be a lie because the dark is something and I'm locked in nothing. Its incomprehensible.

This must be confusing, if you figure it out, let me know.

Well, that is if I am even real at all. How can a person have a mind, yet no body? No memories?

Memories are so important, they shape ones personality.

I can't tell who's memories these are, if they memories at all.

What am I?

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