four: fright fight

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I was in the middle of counting to one thousand when my mouth exploded with taste.

Salt, butter, something sweet thrown in the mix, maybe chocolate? All I know is that it's crunchy, bite-sized and delicious.

Another bomb of taste bursts through the nothingness as I guess I take other bite. Its a crazy experience, not seeing, hearing or feeling, yet random surprises of yummy goodness light up your taste buds? It's pretty weird and amazing.

I think all this blandness I've been locked in makes small things extraordinary for me. I love tasting things, or doing anything for that matter.

Or maybe I just love food.

A  high pitched scream shoots off from my left causing my current crunch of food to hit the back of my throat in surprise. I can't feel the coughs I hear though.

A different, low, half grunt, half shout quickly sounds from my other side, causing a shriek that was so close, it had to me. My heart flipped and my stomach dropped, but I laughed?

A chuckle and a cry mixed from both  sides as a loud boom ripped through my head. More screams, though these seemed far away, gasps, loud thrilling music that just got louder and louder.

Then it was all quite, I could hear shallow breaths from my left, my heart racing for some reason.

And suddenly I'm flung into a body as I jerk back with a scream. My back digs into a plush couch, a hand clutching my arm tightly. Small bits of food fall across my lap, and I can feel a blanket around my shoulders. "I knew it, I knew he was in there!"

"Oh, we all knew it,"

"I didn't," I lick my lips, tasting more salt. "And I'd appreciate it if youd shut up,"

It was so dark, I barely realized my vision was slowly coming too, untill I saw the glow of a wide screen TV. There was a girl on the movie, running through the woods, blood on her face and hands. She tripped and the voice to my right shouts in a deep huff, "oh come on, get up, get up!"

I glance over, find a boy who's eyes were fixated to the movie. He had a strong jaw, and the low light cast shadows across his face, highlighting his sharp cheekbones.

He glances at me, milk chocolate eyes narrowing as he catches me staring. I gulp and look back to the movie. "Oh God, she's going to die," I look to find Aliyah clinging to my other side, eyes darting from the screen to the bowl of popcorn in my lap back to the screen. "Oh my God,"

"Shhhh" I hiss, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth "You're ruining it!" I whisper harshly.

She coughs slightly, unlatching her nails from my arm to cover her mouth. I laughed softly has she struggled to keep the food from escaping her lips.

I gasp as someone slapped my leg, looking down to find a girl that I hadn't noticed before sprawled out across the floor.

"Don't hog the popcorn," she whispered, giving my leg another inpatient slap. I passed the bowl down to her and she grabbed a handful.

She had deep red hair that seemed almost brown in the dark, it was tucked into a long braid. She was tall, and had green eyes so bright, I could see them shimmering even in the dim lighting.

"Why are we whispering? We aren't even in a movie theater," The boy next to me whispered, pooping a couple of m&ms into his mouth.

"Because, it's polite. And some people are actually trying to watch the movie." I responded, jolting as the bad guy pops out if literally nowhere.

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