three: enjoy the view

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The smell of coffee invades the blandness I was stuck in. It's bitter, yet a tinge of sweetness clings to it, enticing me to take a deeper breath.

A cool breeze of wind caressed my cheek, ruffling my hair. The touch of a hot cup pressed to my palm was stark enough to make me gasp when I first felt it. The sun was beating against my skin, I could tell I was already beginning to burn.

The blinding brightness of golden rays soon confirm my suspicion. The black shorts and white tee I was wearing were sticking to me with sweat. The small patio of a cute little bistro came to focus around me. Small round tables were protected from the burning rays by the overhang that only half covered me.

A girl was sitting across from me, a tall, iced beverage in front of her. She had a head full of dark, tight curls and eyes to match. Her tawny skin seemed to soak in the sunlight, glowing around her. She was petite with a heart shaped face, full lips, and long eyelashes.

I realized she was talking as the sound suddenly cut in, her voice smooth and low, for a girl. It was calming

"-how can you even drink hot coffee in this weather?" She used her napkin to fan her face, "I'm practically melting over here."

I feel myself shrug. "It doesn't bother me," I paused, looking out to the people walking by. "I must have either a heart of ice or fire. I'm just not sure which one."

The girl rolled her eyes, "oh, how poetic. You art club kids are all melodrama and flower-crowns."

I blinked at her. "Aliyah, you're in art club."

She laughed in a sweet, low, tumble. "Technically, yes. Though you know I'm not in it for the art. I'm mediocre at best when it comed to drawing. And anything harder than that...we don't talk about those projects."

I let out a short snort. "Oh yes, I almost forgot how you use the art club for you perverted ways," I muse, taking another sip of scalding coffee.

Her cool eyes narrowed. "Relax, I get that you're still butt hurt about me 'ruining the creative atheistic,'" she bent her fingers to form mocking quotation marks. "But don't tell me you don't enjoy the view." She rose her eyebrows with a knowing smirk.

I rolled my eyes, carefully avoiding eye contact as my ears turned hot. "Yes,  the field of the Farming and Agriculture class is quite vibrant this time of year." I clear my throat as she laughs.

"Come on, don't act so dense. You know that I can read you easier than the text messages on my phone." She gives me a little disapproving shake of the head. "You know exactly which view I'm talking about, even if it does have to do with the F&A class."

I hide my face behind the cup of coffee that must have been just as hot as my cheeks. "I have no idea that you're talking about."

She sighs, "Fine, fine. Hide behind your denial all you want, D, but you can't hide anything from me." She gave me soft punch to the shoulder.

I said nothing to that because I knew it was true.

A ping! Sounded from the phone that was next to her drink. She glanced down with a sigh before picking it up. The case had a soft purple trim and a polaroid stuck in the middle. From the angle, it was hard to see it clearly, but I looked like Aliyah had her arm slung around another girl, a laugh molding her entire face.

Both girls had pink frosting covering their face, the other one had her eyes crossed and tounge stuck out. Her auburn hair was piled into a messy bun that seemed to barely stay on top of her head.

She set the phone back down before I could soak in any more details.

"Cade is waiting, we should get going." Aliyah stood, stretching her arms above her head, a sliver of skin peeking from underneath her shirt. "You know how she gets when we run late,"

I stand, grimacing. "No need to remind me, she almost cut my head off last time."

Aliyah just gave me a smile that felt all too familiar.

"then let's not keep her waiting."

And then it all disappears as she turns her back towards me.



A new character in this story I'm trapped in.

It was nice, being in her presence. I felt comfortable. It was easy going, laid-back, close.

She's important. I can tell.

The way she joked, how she sat so unguarded. How she seemed like she could look through me- or whoever this person is- and know the thoughts that sat in their head.

I can't tell what kind of love is felt for her, but it's definitely there nonetheless. I can still feel it settling in my chest, (though now it's sorta like swirling around the blackness)  even from that brief and plain interaction.

This one was nice, much more calm than the ice and that boy. I felt older, young adult maybe. I felt this heaviness though, as if there were weights hidden underneath my skin. Of course, there wasn't.... probably.

And then, there was the...Q&A class? No, F&A. Farming and Agriculture. There's something about that class, something that I'm missing.

Because I can still feel the blush all over when I think of it.


"Sunshine, it's getting rather dark without you."


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