Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

(6 months later. All of them became friends. Lisa was so in love with kookie same with kookie. He is deeply in love with lisa. Rose and jimin well they keep their secrets that only them knows and became good friends. Jisoo and jin are now dating. Jennie and taehyung became m.u)

Jisoo's pov

I am now at my favorite place which is the icecream store. Jin doenst work here any more and no iam not spying for anybody else its just the place were i saw my man. I did not expect him being my boyfriend but iam thankful cause i have him. Some one covered my eyes.

"Quess who iam"

Someone said. I already know who its is.


He let go of my eyes. He then sit beside me.

"Hows your day?"

He asked. I like the way he talk to me but kind of hate it because i dont know how many girls he talked sweet too before.


I said i look at him thinking of what jennie said to me. I am really sad about it but i know he will understand. I just need time to tell him about it.

"Did you already order?"

He asked. I can see a heart on his eyes because its his favorite thing.

"Yeah i already did"

I said. I am so glad having him even just a while. Yes i will break up with him. I do love him alot but i need to do it. Iam going to U.S because mom wants me to study there. Since iam the oldest i need to take care of the company when mom and dad die.

"Babe let meet at the park tommorow i have some thing to tell you"

I said while smilling. He nodded and the waiter gave us are foods.

Jennie's pov

I was at my phone talking to taehyung about are project in science.

So what topic will we use.

Lets use planets

But thats to easy dont you think

How about human's body sistem

Ok why not

Why dont i go to your house and lets discuss there

Ok see you

See you

I then went and change my clothes.

*ding dong*

I went down stairs and open the door.

"Hi come in"

I said. I let out a little smile.


He said coming in.

"Do you want any thing"

I asked

"Nah iam ok"

He said looking around

"So lets beggin"

I said. It only taked one hour for us to finish.

"You know stay for just one night ok"

I said.

"Ok why not"

He said. I toured him around the house.

"So you can stay at the guess room. I will check on you later ok"

I said. I went to my room and changed to my pys.

Lisa's pov

i was walking a round the park when i saw jisoo and jin they were talking. I was about to say hi but something happend. I saw a tear drop on jin's eyes. Thats when i realised that she did it. I already know that jisoo needs to go to U.S to study and about the company. Iam so sad for them.

Jin's pov

I was waiting for jisoo. Iam so excited for what she is ganna tell me but also nervous. I brought flowers and chocolates for her. I was seating on tge bench so excited for my girlfriend to came. Its our time having a date in the park cause we always go to the ice cream shop. Then i saw her my love of my life.

"Babe! Over here!"

I said while standing up. She went beside me and i gave her the flowers and chocolates but she... rejected it.

Somethings off. She never rejects what i gave her. I look at her conserned.

"I-is there something wrong"

I asked. I can see her cold look that i never saw before.

"I wont be staying long. Iam just here to finish us. What i mean is we are nothing now were just strangers. Dont ask why because you will just regret asking and stay away from me. Ok get it i will be going now"

She said. I cant hold my tears it just began dripping down. My emotions where angry,sad, and hurt. I dont know what to do. Before she can walk away i grabed her wrist and ask her.

"Why? I'am I not enough for you?"

I asked

"Jin, i never loved you i never did. I was just playing with you cant you see"

She said. I knew she was lying i can see it in her eyes that she is lying.

"I know your lying pls tell me the true reason you wanna break up. Jisoo pls"

I said. I love her so much that i dont even care if people are starring at us. I just wanna know the truth.

"Believe it or not. I dont care were over know. Just accept it. Can you!"

She said. Swinging my hands out of hers. Then shd run away leaving dumbfunded.

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