Chapter 1

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                           May 1970
  "Do you have plans for this evening?" Jenny, one of my colleagues, asked taking a tray of chocolate biscuits out of the cooker. "Not really. I just want to watch the telly and drink tea." I chuckled taking the biscuits off the tray putting them on paper napkins. "Why don't you come out to the pub with me?" she asked as we walked out of the small kitchen area into the corridor. "Maybe another time." I smiled as we walked into the 3 Year Old Room. Once all of the children were awake from their afternoon nap, we settled them at their tables and passed out chocolate biscuits and cups of milk.
           "Bye Miss Siobhan." a little girl named Polly said hugging me before walking down the front steps of Kensington House Nursery School. "Bye darling." I laughed waving at her. After we knew that all of the children had left we cleaned the rooms we had worked in that day and collected our things.
            After saying goodbye to everyone, I got into my car and starting driving to my flat. I was lucky to get a flat in Kensington so driving to work wasn't too bad but somedays, like today, it seemed like donkeys years to get home. After parking my car in the car park, I grabbed my handbag, locked my car, and started walking into the building.
            "Finally." I said taking a deep breath standing in front of my flat. Living on the top floor wasn't all bad because you didn't have people above ya makin' noise all throughout the night but the lift could take forever. I unblocked my door and stepped into my flat closing the door behind me. I took off my black heels that matched my new bell sleeve dress from Biba leaving them at the door. I walked up the stairs to my lounge and noticed my older brother Roger sitting on the arm of a chair with three guys sitting on the sofa. I stepped into the lounge walking up behind Roger. The four guys didn't even see me come in because Brian May was going on about some song he wanted their band to perform at their next show. I propped my elbow on Roger's shoulder and smiled saying, "Hi Roger."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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