Chapter 2

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Nya's POV

I walk into the front office of the Elemental Masters Protection Agency with confidence, my hair tied back in a bun. I hid the key to the shop in my pocket, so no one is going to steal any weapons.

"How can I help you?" a boy, looking about a year older than I am, smiles at me from behind the counter. His brown hair is pulled back into a bun, much like mine.

"Hi, my name is Nya. I'm the elemental master of water, getting my powers from my mother. Instead of running away like most elemental masters, I thought it'd be easiest for me to come here and avoid the middle step," I explain. A look of shock crosses his face.

"This...this has never happened before. I need to call my boss."


I watch as the roads of Ninjago City turn into the twisted and curvy roads of the rest of the country. Unlike restraining me like they probably do with the rest of the elemental masters, all they did was clamp a bracelet around my wrist. It isn't uncomfortable, but I can't take it off by myself. There's a key that's needed to unlock it.

I look down at the list that the FOF wrote for me of all of the elemental masters that they know are in custody of the EMPA. There's Lloyd, master of energy, Zane, master of ice, Cole, master of earth, Jay, master of lightning, Gravis, the master of gravity, Skylor, master of amber, Bolobo, master of nature, Griffin, master of speed, Neuro, master of mind, Karlof, master of metal, and possibly Kai. They gave me the list so I would know of some people I could trust and get to fight up against EMPA.

"So your whole family is made up of elemental masters?" the man driving the truck, who is the same guy who was at the office, asks.

"Yeah. I just found that out today, though. I thought it was only my dad and brother, but it turns out my mom was one too," I elaborate, still looking out the window. It's been at least an hour since we left the city, and we're still driving.

"It stinks that they keep current and past elemental masters separate. It keeps kids from seeing their parents," the man, whose name tag reads "Johnathan", says.

"It stinks that they separate families in general," I deadpan, crossing my arms.

"If you really don't want to be with the rest of the elemental masters, we can go somewhere else," Johnathan looks over at me with a small smile on his face.


"Well, I'm guessing you don't have a boyfriend, so we could run off together, and I could be your boyfriend," he gets a small smirk on his face, disgusting me.

"I don't need a boyfriend to be happy. Besides, I'm not shallow," I tell him forcefully. He seems taken aback.

"Or is it because you've never had a boyfriend before?" Johnathan is slowly turning from a nice guy to a complete jerk.

"I've just never found a guy that I liked, and I obviously haven't found him right now," as I say that, we reach the top of the hill we were driving up.

"Well, since you said no to my offer, here's your new home," Johnathan gestures to the huge dome several miles up the road. Even from far away, I can tell that it has towering stone walls with a translucent material covering the top. I wasn't scared before, but now I'm intimated.

"How big is the part where the elemental masters can go?" I'm guessing that whole thing isn't created just for the leisure time of us.

"The inner dome where the current elemental masters stay has a circumference of 2 miles. It's like a small city where only they live in, along with some workers and guards who make their lives simpler. The previous elemental masters have their own little separate house outside of the area where the current elemental masters are," his voice is colder than it was a couple of minutes ago.

"Are there any important rules I need to know?" With a place that looks like that, there has to be strict set of rules.

"Your roommate will explain those to you," he states, looking straight ahead at the road.

"I'm getting a roommate?" I have no idea how living in there has affected these people. They could have gone insane.

"Yeah, but it'll be with another girl, so don't worry," Johnathan picks up on my nerves.

"How many current elemental masters live there?" I point at the huge dome, which probably has layers of walls to ensure that no one can escape.

"With you, 18. There's a shocking amount of teenagers. I guess a ton of elemental masters decided to have kids around the same time," Johnathan admits. "The youngest one in there is sixteen now, but apparently at one point there were a ton of twelve year olds."

"How many teenagers are there now?" I ask, but I don't expect him to know the exact number.

"Like seven or eight, but that's a lot when you think about how little people there are. There are also a lot of guys. You're the forth girl in there, I think," when he says the last part, my eyes widen.


"I guess there were just a lot of male elemental masters born," as he says that, the truck suddenly halts.

"What's happening?"

"Oh Nya, we're here."

A/N: Chapter 2 guys! I have homework, but it's procrastination time. BUT I'm hanging out with my friends today so I kind of have to finish it soon.

How did you like it? I feel like it was bad, but I want to get through this little front part of the plot

And if anyone wants to talk, message me. I have tons of friends from my other fandom (I'm one of the bigger accounts for that fandom), but I barely have any friends who like Ninjago. 

Love you guys

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