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The teacher, Miss Kang, walked in quickly, her heels clipping on the floor. She set the books she was carrying down on her desk and adjusted her glasses before clearing her throat to get the attention of the class. She was a little late into the classroom and she wanted to get started as soon as possible.

"Students!" She smiled as everyone turned to face her. Conversations died down gradually until the room was silent.
"Good afternoon. As you know, we've been learning about rainforests recently. So..."

She grabbed a pen and began to write on the whiteboard: "paired projects".

"This will be an assessment of your knowledge and the quality of your notes, as well as your teamwork skills."

Most of the class cheered as they saw what was scribbled on the board, assuming that they would be working with a friend, which was much more fun than doing a project alone.

"This project needs to have input from both people please! This is an assessment. I need an essay and a fact file. Make sure you include plenty of diagrams and images!" She raised her voice as some people were getting distracted and had already begun moving around.

"I am choosing partners."

There was a unanimous groan as the class realised that they had to work with a random person. Miss Kang pulled out a list that she had prepared and began to read.

"These pairings are designed to push you out of your comfort zone and get you used to working with a range of people. The pairs are...."

As the list was reeled off, many people were satisfied with their partner. Jungkook and Hoseok got paired, as well as Irene and Jimin. Only a few looked extremely upset.

"Taehyung and Wonpil, and.... Seokjin and Namjoon!" She smiled and paused for the last groups to assemble.

At the sound of her words, Seokjin's heart stopped. Was the whole universe trying to make him suffer through Namjoon? He scowled at his friends who were giggling and giving him little looks and gathered his things as slowly as he could. He was already blushing - he was probably going to turn purple when he was confronted with Namjoon's deep voice and gorgeous face.

At the back of the class, Namjoon was just as annoyed. He was not allowed to fall for this boy at all, but he had to work with him now? He rolled his eyes along with the rest of his group, who were equally annoyed at their partners, and slung his bag over his shoulder.

The blonde strode up to Jin and coughed deliberately.
"Where are we sitting then?"
The older jumped, a faint blush tickling at his cheeks as he turned to him.
Namjoon pushed his feelings away and kept his cold, mean front on.
"Ugh, I'll decide then."

He glanced around and spotted a spare desk, throwing his bad down at it and waiting for the other. Jin was looking very cute today, dressed in pink and pouting as he got up. Namjoon cleared his throat to try and shake the thoughts.

Seokjin took his time in an attempt to appear unfazed, frustrating Namjoon.
"Took you long enough," Jin raised an eyebrow and sat.
"Yeah, well."

The teacher interrupted as she saw that the pairs had settled. Both boys welcomed her explanation of the task, trying to ignore the tingle that they felt from sitting next to eachother. Admittedly, Seokjin felt it more as he wasn't trying to repress his feelings, but Namjoon felt a spark of it too.

Miss Kang explained that they should brainstorm ideas in today's lesson, and the actual task should be completed for homework.

Jin reached into his bag for some paper and was stopped by the chilling feeling of Namjoon's gaze.
"Need some?" He didnt raise his eyes but handed the resources over per Namjoon's request. They began to write a few things down; Jin was surprised by the blonde's neat writing and his clever ideas.

"So... how are we gonna do this? Like assign a section each?" Namjoon questioned. Seokjin clicked his pen anxiously as he replied. His voice was even deeper when he was talking quietly rather than shouting and it made Jin flustered.
"Yeah. Or we could.... work together on it? You could come to my house after school some days. If you want to, I mean," Namjoon fixed his hair to try and mask his surprise.
"Sure. Can- can I come over tonight?" Jin nodded, unable to hold back his blush now. He didn't know where that confidence had come from, but he now got to spend time with Namjoon.

Namjoon's thoughts were going haywire. Part of him was overjoyed at spending more time with Jin, but the majority was disgusted that he had agreed so keenly.

The lesson went by quickly, both boys struggling to concentrate, and they jumped when the bell rang.

"Okay guys, see you next lesson. Make sure that project's done!"

The teacher was ignored almost completely but just smiled, packing up her things.

Namjoon watched as Jin put away his possessions, having barely any to worry about himself. Once he was done, Jin stood up and smiled softly down at him, melting the part of his heart that couldn't deny his feelings.

"Ready to go?"

They left, not talking, but quickly falling into step with eachother on the journey to Seokjin's home. Namjoon was glad he hadn't suggested going to his house; what if Jin did something gay around his parents? They stayed silent for the whole walk, neither wanting to embarrass themselves. Namjoon noticed that Jin always had amazing posture, just another way in which he was perfect.

The jangling of keys snapped him into reality and he stepped through the front door, observing how bare the house currently was. He had expected to see family pictures or art or something, but there was just pale white walls and a few boxes.

"Sorry, we've only just moved in. My parents aren't home yet so help yourself to snacks!" He rushed to the kitchen himself to pull out a cereal bar and a can of fizzy drink, Namjoon smiling at his eagerness and welcoming personality. He shook his head when Jin held out his snack to him.

"No thanks, I'm not hugry," Jin frowned.
"You need to eat, Joon!"

Only Namjoon's parents had called him this nickname before, and he would usually hit anyone who dared to use it. But he just blushed and took the half-eaten cereal bar, chewing it slowly and earning a proud look from Seokjin. This boy was bad for him.

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