9: Seeing the Sun :Part 2

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It was time to see the sun but today there was no sun it was a dark day.

Rachel found we talked when she told me she was trasfering to a different school after his funeral.

I walked out to where his funeral was being held I was starring at the ledge where it happened then it was time for our goodbyes they called me to speak at the funeral "I was frends with hi- Will since I dont rember he waswas amazing and smart stupidly funny and I hope he is seeing the sun." Then I blessed him in Italian then Greek then we prayed I asked my dad to let him see the sun in a good place. Then I walked to his casket and a tear ran down my cheek it was blessed as Wills finally wish for me to find the sun in the darkest place.

I whispered "Thank you Will i'll never forget you and i swear to all the Gods I will find the sun in the darkest place."

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