8: Seeing the Sun :Part 1

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"Will you walk me out" I asked the sun was so bright I dont know why or how the world ... Apollo could except this.......  Will was dead. Will would want me to see the sun.

Harry Potter came up to me and the first words he spoke to me in 8 years. "Are you okay" I was annoyed "Why the hell wouldn't I be because my Boyfriend commented suicide or is it because its my fault." I was pissed then he said "Its not your fault you didn't know" I walked off then and there.

I went to breakfast just to defend Will's memory every time someone said something about what happened. I snaped at them . I sat at Slitherin table everyone sat 10 seats away from me. When Malfoy came over he sat down we had a silent agreement we wouldn't talk about him. Percy and Annabeth came and talked to me Percy spoke first " Hey Cuz the funeral is tomorrow are you coming " then I responded " Yes no one knew him like I did. He would want us to have one last goodbye. " Annabeth nodded in agreement "after all he would want me to see the sun" I left and cried.

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