Pilot part 1

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When I think of hero's and villains I see my mother finishing a call with this boarding school my doctor recommended to her. Much to my dismay, my nightmare had come true. I was days away from getting tagged and shipped off to some boarding school no one has ever heard of in New York. Im a small town girl. I don't go out to bars and suck faces with random strange men. I watch movies with my friends and get high off of wax. Me getting shipped off to a loud place is something my mother should have taken notice of. Summer was almost over for me which meant my mother had the house all to herself with my dad. The image of finding them on my bed still scars me to this day. She came inside my room standing mere feet away from the entrance and a few steps away from where I was sitting near my bed. She asked, "honey are you packed and ready to go?"

"Now? I thought I had a few more days."

"Your doctor was very persuasive with the schools head master. You should be thankful for this golden opportunity. Just think when summer comes around next year you will be a newer/better version of yourself!" Mom was grasping her hands together. Her eyes oozed out such sparkle and excitement. It almost made me cringe. Either there was an open slot for me or my doctor knew the headmaster more than he cared to let on himself. Moms highlighted blonde hair was bouncing in unison with every jump she did.
"You mean to tell me. After three days I am magically now a student of this school? You do realize your sending me off to a boarding school... IN NEW YORK!"
"Yes dear, and I also know the instructors at this school will shape you up for the better," she made her away across the room from where her feet had been planted and rested her hands on my shoulders.
While mom was showing all sorts of happiness towards my leaving, I was more than happy to express my feelings about all of this in the only way I could. I led her out of room. Shutting the door i has come to one realization. I had been screwed more than one way. Not my cherry being popped, though that still is yet to come. I don't have the time to say goodbye to my friends. Not even to my best friend, Lacey, who was the one person that went to my hearing.

If god was trying to teach me a lesson it was in full course. My phone buzzed and it was a text from my mom. She's been learning how to use her iPhone seven since her Samsung fell in the toilet.
Mom: We leave around 6 p.m this afternoon make sure your luggage is all set. Don't forget to take hand lotions and face wash. Your beauty is the best part of you.
Thirty minutes. I had thirty minutes to get my shit together before I went to hell. I haven't even started cleaning out my closet let alone gathering my makeup. Don't even get me started on my tree. "Fuck"
I opened my closet and started choosing the contenders who get to come with me to hell. If I'm going there I might as well go fashionable. Left right left right clothes were thrown into two piles. Those who made the cut, and those who could come back during breaks. I came across a red silky dress. This dress was used on our first date. Oh how much butterflies did I get before driving off to his cabin that day? What a fool I was.

A fool to have thought that night would be wonderful. I shoved that event to the dark corners of my mind and threw the red dress to a separate pile of clothes. The contenders who won't be returning for a call back. I skimmed through a white ruffled blouse with mint green stripes located near the chest area. A smile made its way across my face and I couldn't help but laugh.
The day I met Lacey. Though the shirt was basically eligible to fit me as a cut crop top, I had thrown it to the break outfits that have yet to make an appearance at hell. When I had finished time lapsing what I wanted to bring and have on hold, I began working my way through objects I wanted to take with me. Snow globe Danny bought me before my court meeting- trash. Rotten apple from three days ago- trash. Picture frame of me and Lacey- take with me pile. Laptop- take with me pile. Thirty minutes seemed to have taken forever until I finished.
I checked my phone and had received a message from Lacey.

Lacey: so there is absolutely no way you could sneak out today
Alex: sorry can't 2day. I'm actually leaving 2day instead of tmr.

When I had hit send a sense of unease made its way across my chest. It wasn't right for me to leave today and not tell Lacey about it. She at least deserved to know about my soon to be departure.
"Honey? Are you done yet? Our flight leaves in less then an hour! Thirty minutes to get your luggage ready and twenty-five minutes to the airport."

Crap. I totally wasn't even checking the time. There was still seven minutes to spare. Seven minutes to get my bathroom shit together and out the door. There wasn't much time to even look at the message Lacey sent to me. O.K. So my bathroom shit was handled faster than I assumed. Toothbrush; check. Scrubber; check. Shampoo and conditioner; check check and check.

It was really going to happen. I was about to go to a school where I didn't know anybody and no one knew me. On my senior year as well. How ironic. I guess one could call it a fresh start? All because of that night. Had I not even accepted Jeremy's offer none of this would have happened. I wouldn't be here in this situation, and he would still be- well here.

The person whom I stared at from the other side of my bathroom mirror wasn't the person from before junior. I was a nobody before. No one knew me but I knew everyone. Every last truth and rumor. I had known who had done what with who, and who did what just so that who wouldn't know anything. I was a nobody who knew everybody. It wasn't like I was a loser. I had Lacey. It was Danny who messed me up. It was Danny who introduced me to him. It was Danny who hooked me and him together, but it was me who did such an atrocious act that day. It was I who got into this boarding school. It was I who started it that day, and it was I who was paying the price. I'm no victim. I'm a villain.

To my Audience,
I want to introduce myself in the best way I can. My name is Pricilla Herrera. I love writing books but I hate publishing them because then that means it is finalized. I fear people will hate my work, but lately a sense of change coursed it's way throughout my mind. Barriers and fronts I had laid out have been broken. I'm taking a step outside my mind and even though I will get opinions opposite of what I want, I know that in the end it will teach me to become a more successful writer. To those of you who have made it this far; thank you. Thank you for reading my first half of my chapter. Thank you for taking the time of day into reading my letter to you all as well. My goal is to keep the minds of my audience in constant imagination. I believe imagination is the most powerful weapon.
       A.P Herrera

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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