Chapter 1

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"Emma you can't go to the ring!" Lexi said clearly annoyed.

"Why not? You go!", I stated.

"Only because I go with Alex", she argues back.

"I can go with yall!", I urge back.

"Ugh fine but if you get hurt it's not my fault", Lexi said as she walked away. Don't get me wrong I love her but she can be so overprotective sometimes it's unbearable. I walk away from my locker which i have been standing at for a solid 10 minutes. I glance up to the clock hanging on the wall, 8:30 great now I'm late.

I walk into 1st period and everyone's eyes are on me when the teacher finally says something, "Please take your seat Ms. Anderson" I nod my head and take the only open seat.

The door opens once again and a tall, handsome, dirty blonde haired, blue eyed kid walked in with confidence oozing off of him. It was Cameron Parker. Cameron is the guy every girl wants to have and every guy wants to be. He's hot not going to lie but his ego can barely fit into his gorgeous head. He only ever talks to his 3 best friends and he rarely attends school so it was a shock to see him here on a Monday. When he does attend school his knuckles are usually always red and today was no different.

Cameron walks toward me ad when he reached the desk he stands there but i don't notice till he speaks up, "I believe your in my seat." I chose to ignore him and finish the notes my teacher had on the board. I was writing the last sentence when my pencil was taken from my hands.

I shot up immediately and faced Cameron. I was on the short side at 5'5 while Cameron towered over me at least 6'5, "I believe you have something of mine," I state a little too calmly.

Cameron's eyes mirrored the smirk playfully hanging on his lips and he said, "I believe I do."

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