Chapter 3

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"Looking for me princess?" I knew it was him just from the confidence that laced in his deep charming voice.

I turned around annoyed yet still weirdly calm and said "What do you want Cameron?"

"You of course but not now Mia Bella I just wanted to return your pencil," Cameron said using some foreign language as he handed me my pencil and walked away his signature smirk still hanging effortlessly on his lips.

"What does that mean?" I asked myself not realizing I had said it out loud.

"It means 'my beautiful' in Italian", Lexi said softly from behind me. I completely forget Lexi spent all of her summers growing up in Italy with her grandmother and that she picked up a few things.

"Um Em why does Cameron have the sudden interest in you?", Alex asked as confused as me.

"Your asking the wrong person Alex," I said truly. I looked around the lunchroom to find everyone's eyes on me. All of suddenly I felt uncomfortable and oddly vulnerable. With these newly found emotions spreading quickly all throughout my body I grew anxious, anxious of what would happen next. I grabbed the remaining of my orange that I was peacefully eating before Cameron interrupted and walked through the cafeteria doors. I have never been much of a rebel but I'm no angel so it was not much surprise to myself or others that I skipped the rest of the day with no hesitation.

I walked over to my gray Ferrari. The Ferrari was passed down to me by my dad a little over a year ago. It was my favorite car of his. Growing up my dad would sneak me out of the house while my mother slept to take me out for drives. We would go to Central Park and just sit on the hood of the car admiring the stars. I smiled at the memory of my father and me before my mother died. The shocking death of my mother broke my father into pieces; they were high school sweethearts, everything I have always wanted in a relationship. After the death of my mother my father locked himself in his home-office only coming out to eat. He was like that for months and even though we lost mom 3 years ago dad still isn't the same, he is more secretive more guarded. I didn't only lose my mother that day I lost a piece of my father, a piece I will never have back.

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