Chapter 33: More Than A Fan

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The next morning, I was up as soon as possible, and taxi'd myself to the BigHit building, reaching a whole hour before Kang. I had time to spare, so I went to the dance practice room, where I found Hoseok, Jin, and Namjoon warming up.
I realized I might be bothering them, but Hobi spotted me immediately and called me over.
"What's up?" He asked.
"Ah, I just have some time to kill before my boss arrives." I smiled. I sat down and stared at them awkwardly, fiddling with my pockets.
"Come. Warm up with us." Jin said suddenly. I laughed nervously, thinking he was joking, but his face was serious and focused, so I just gulped and sat on the floor next to Namjoon.

I am, by the way, trash at stretching, exercising, and anything related. It's why my weight doesn't drop below 150 pounds even at my height—(not that I try as hard as I should either). They were doing some complicated toe touches, so I tried to copy them, and I looked over to see that Namjoon and I could reach to our toes about the same amount. Same amount!
Feeling honored, I suddenly turned to him and said, seriously. "I really respect you."
A moment of silence was broken, as Jin and Hoseok reeled back in laughter. Namjoon was surprised and on the verge of a laugh himself, but then just looked at me curiously.
"Uhh..." I tried to explain, "Of all the members, I've always thought of myself as similar to you, and I relate to you the most. I love and respect you a lot."
He looked embarrassed all of a sudden, and seemed at a loss for words.
"Why— why so suddenly?" Jin said while wheezing with laughter.
"I suddenly remembered because we were stretching about the same."
"T-Thank you," Namjoon said, flustered.
"Why do you think you guys are similar?" Hobi asked.
My mouth slowly curved into a smile. "Intelligence."
That got all of us to start laughing. "I mean there's more stuff, too... But don't worry, you're much much cooler than me," I said to Namjoon. He squeezed his eyes in one of his classic grins before composing himself.

"What— is this the last time you're seeing us? Why so emotional?" Namjoon asked.
I laughed, "I've had many thoughts in my mind as a fan for a long time" I struggled to explain so I switched to English. "I had to get them out so that I would feel like less of a fan girl and more of a friend. Because this is all still so... unreal."

I was going to get a little emotional but held it back and lay back on the floor instead.

"That's cute. We will be friends, don't worry... But as a fan, what about me?" Jin said with a goofy smile. I popped right back up and thought for a moment. "Hmmm," I grinned. "You are like the ideal man." He laughed as if to say of course. "You're literally perfect husband material. I'm so excited to see what you do in the future." Jin stifled a laugh and covered his face. "What the heck! I'm getting embarrassed!"

I excitedly turned to Hoseok. "You're the actual sun, and it's like insane how multi-talented you are. I think every idol in the world is jealous of your skill. Also I miss your forehead." Hobi blinked a couple of times and then said a sweet, embarrassed little "Thank you," touching his forehead subconsciously.

I felt a little breath of a whisper by my left ear. "What about me?"
I half-jumped out of my skin and turned around to see Jimin smiling mischievously at me. I touched my ear and moved closer to Namjoon, flustered.
He sat on the floor and leaned back to stretch. I watched him out of the corner of my eye, pretending to try stretching again.

Yeah, Riti, what about him?
I sighed and muttered, "So much."
"Oh? Like what?" Namjoon's teasing tone woke me from my trance.
"Wait. Did.. you ask me that?"
His eyes widened before he gave a little laugh and patted my back. "You're so cute, Riti," and then quieted a bit. "—I didn't ask very loudly, don't worry."

I went a little pink and got up, embarrassed. Cringey, I was so cringey. Hoseok went "oooh, Namjoon, do you have an admirer?"
I looked at him disbelievingly. Before I could even say anything, a voice piped up.

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