Chapter 5: Detention - Oh Joy!

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  • Dedicated to My Teacher

Hey, so someone said to me to upload once or twice a week so more will read, and I guess I'll try and give it a go ;]

Here is Chapter 5 <3 Hope you like it, and Enjoy! ^_^

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Oh sorry it's short :L


Chapter 5 : Detention - Oh Joy!

Rj's P.O.V:

My last lesson if finally finished. Usually I would be overjoyed that it is end of school, but I have detention.. and I am NOT looking forward to it. Especially when you've heard that the 'Detention Security' was hard to escape from.

So, I am now walking down the deserted hall way, looking for the detention classroom.

After a while, I arrived and with a deep breath, opened the door and strolled in.

BANG! CRING! I looked back to see the door locks ( which was a lot! ) all locking back. I shivered as a voice behind me spoke, " So.. your Rj Vrox? Welcome to Detention honey.. Now sit down!" The voice demanded.

I sat down, and I finally saw the owner of the voice. It was a woman. She was a hench woman. Ya'h know? Those big, all muscles type of women? Well, my guard was one of those. Oh great, I can see why they said Security was tough to escape from.

I looked around, and saw not many students in the room, probably 7 students currently here. Ehhh.. don't really care about them, so I just sat there listening to the tick, tock of the clock.

1 hour & 25 minutes later -

It's been an hour! Gahhhh! This is hell!

Drip, drop! Oh, and I'm sweating. Do you guys want to know how I can sweat by just sitting in a chair? Well, I wasn't sitting in a chair for the whole hour.. I was being disciplined.. Physical way. The 'Hell Queen' a.k.a the hench lady, made us do numerous exercises! I love exercises, but her exercises was pure cruelty, I swear! If my body wasn't used to the pain, my bones would have broke. From 155 star jumps, to 50 trifles ( roll back, jump to a push up position and do 5 push ups, then jump again, repeating the cycle ) , we also were forced to achieve a split! This women was insane, and if you miss one, just one, everyone starts again. Grrrr! Stupid Mr.Robins! Putting me in detention! Hey, don't think that's all... cause there was a hell lot more!

Okay, so 5 minutes left and I'm out of this Hell! Yesh!!! I think I know why many students have been staying good in this school, and I promise to God to be good too! Pinky promise, I really don't want to come back here :L

Right 1 minute left.. 30 seconds more.... now it's 10 seconds.. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! I quickly dashed out of the room and out of the door!

"OUT FINALLY! WOOHOO!" I shouted excitedly :D

Suddenly, I felt something grab my shirt, I was then pushed againts the wall, and I felt cold finger press my pressure point on my neck.. then.. I passed out...

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ To Be Continued...

A/N: Soo... how was it? I might update again this week, 3 times updating! Aren't you all so happy! :D Well.. I'm not -.- ... Jks! I am, anyway till next time!

And Pls Comment and Vote! ;]]] Cause I won't update if you guys don't :(

With Cookies & Ice Creams, Ms.Aph3z <3

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