Chapter 1: The move

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"Bella!" My mother yelled. "Get your ass out here now! I don't give a damn if you don't want to live with your dad!"

  I don't know why I have to live with my dad, I haven't seen him in years. I'd rather live with my mom in, Arizona, instead of going to live in a boring state like, Nebraska. The only good about going to live in Nebraska is, Jacob, my crush since I was little. At first I thought he was cute then it turned to something more, it turned into a big crush.

"I'm coming mom!" I yell back. "Calm your tits."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing mom."

As I grab my last bag I start to look around my room, I look at the Green Day poster on my wall and smile, that was the first concert I went to. I look at all the drawings around my room, some are mine and some are printed out.

I might only be a junior but I have my eyes open for drawing. I see this picture of my best friend, Nikki, and I when we went to a dance in 5th grade. Tears form in my eyes when I think of her, she is my best friend and I'm leaving her. We've done everything together, told each other everything, I've never been without her.

I have always needed her in my life, she has gotten me through some tough things, like my first boyfriend, he was abusive; she helped me with that.

The tears fall completely off my face like a waterfall and I don't even care at this point. When I'm walking down the stairs sniffling and my mom turns back to look at me.

"What's wrong?" She's concerned.

"I'm g-going to miss N-Nikki" I hiccup.
She grabs napkins and wipes my face and holds me in her arms, "shh it's going to be alright."
The tears stop coming down and I know now that I'm done crying, "you're right mom I have a phone I can always FaceTime and text her, I know it won't be the same but it will be something."

"That's the spirit. Now are you ready for this?"

"No, but I have no choice, let's get on the road. How long is the airport from here again?"

"90 minutes."

We put all my bags into her tiny little ford and head off to the airport. As I start to drift into sleep I'm left wondering, 'will jacob remember me? Is he hot? Does he even like me?' Soon I let sleep consume me.

Hey guys (if anyone's reading this) sorry if it is cheesy it's my first time writing on Wattpad. If anyone wants to make a cover let me know send it to me and I will pick the best.

I will try to update everyday if not every other day but you guys have to understand I have a life outside of Wattpad. If you guys end up enjoying the story please recommend it.

Also as I said in the bio yes the whole concept is Stephanie Meyer but I am changing A LOT OF THINGS, so It won't be the exact same but credit still goes out to her.

Also absolutely last thing I promise the chapters will get longer, and hopefully not cringing but you guys tell me in the comments

He is my wolf (Bella and jacob twilight fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now