Unedited cause lazy
Sylrie heard the assassin behind her. Her feet hurt from half an hour of running around the forest, trying desperately to get away from her attacker. She could see the outskirts of town through the trees. I'm almost there. Just a few more meters... She felt someone slam into her from behind. She immediately turned into a shadow, her body dissolving into a dark, misty shape. As soon as she transformed, she could feel the sun burning her, so she changed back again. The change only took a millisecond, but the pain was still unbearable. She groaned, squeezing her eyes shut against the suddenly-blinding rays of light. "Are you alright?" asked her attacker.
"Hey, you're supposed to be attacking me, not helping me," she complained, her eyes still closed.
"Well, tough," said her attacked.
"You're hurt and I can fix it."
Fingers brushed against the top of her head and her headache vanished. She sighed.
"Thanks, Leif."
"You're welcome," he said, hopping to his feet and offering her his hand. "Oh, and also, I win."
Sylrie wrenched her eyes open and grabbed his hand. He pulled her to her feet.
"You do not," she said, scowling at him. "That doesn't count," she huffed, blowing a strand of hair out of her eyes.
"Oh," Leif said, lifting an eyebrow. "And why not?"
"Because..." Sylrie struggled for an answer, whilst Leif grinned.
"Stop smiling," she finally said, shoving his shoulder. "It still doesn't count."
They were playing a game that they had made during the first year that Sylrie had lived in his attic. They had made a treehouse on top of one of the huge oak trees in the forest, just outside the town, and had decided that it would be their base. One person was the assassin and one person was the thief. The assassin had to chase the thief until they caught them and the thief had to try and make it into town before the assassin could catch them. Sylrie won the most rounds every single time, but that was because she knew the forest inside out and back to front. Leif often won the when he was the assassin though, because when ever he caught up to her she transformed, got burnt and changed back instantly, draining her powers. So far her life in the town, Oaken Glen, had been pretty uneventful. She hadn't been flogged or caught by the Techno-Cops since the bakery incident, and Leif's parents were completely oblivious to the fact that she was living in their attic. When they reached the edge of the town, they split up, Leif taking the main road and Sylrie slinking through the alleyways. She always kept Leif in sight, but she made sure not to be seen. If people knew that she and Leif had been out in the woods together, it would ruin his reputation and his parents would know that she had been staying in the attic. The attic was just above Leif's room, and often when she had nightmares she would sneak down there and tell him about them. She hadn't had a single good dream in her life, only nightmares. They were often about her parents, and the fire, and the person who set it. She still hadn't given up on finding them, but she hadn't left the town since Leif had offered to let her live in the attic. She liked living there and no one apart from Leif had shown her any kindness since she had gotten there. People still called her 'Mysteria Scum' and threw things at her. The baker and his wife were the worst. They screamed curses at her when they saw her, threw anything that they could get their hands on at her and started rumours that she was just a Mysteria spy who was trying to weaken their defences so that when an attack came, they would be vulnerable. Most people ignored them and said they they were just traumatised by the fact that she had wrecked the front of the bakery, and that they needed to just forget about her. It had been three years, and the bakery was absolutely fine, but they still held a grudge against her. As soon as she and Leif reached the bakery, Sylrie ducked through another alley between the chemist and the abandoned post office. There was a fire escape halfway down, with the ladder hanging three metres off the ground. She gripped the bottom rung and hauled herself up, reaching the top in a few seconds. She balanced gracefully on the edge of the roof for a moment before scurrying up the slanted tiles. It only took her a moment to get to the bakery's attic window, where Leif was waiting for her.
Genel Kurgu*COMPLETED* Sylrie Noir's life was hard enough as it was. She had been orphaned and exiled as a child, and all other children who had the misfortune of meeting her had run away after a few minutes, screaming and crying. And it was all because of the...