chapter II (chapter I continuation)

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Rias:you need to get that stone out of here!

Lincoln:it stays with me.

Rias:exactly, bye!

Then rias charges at diablo only for him to hit her through a building at the same park AJ was at and crashes into a tree. When AJ saw her he ran over to her.

AJ:you okay there rias?

Rias:yeah I'm good, real good. Say...uh you planning on helping out anytime soon?

AJ:I'm trying but he's not coming out.

Then rias pushes AJ out of the way from Diablo's weapon, then the tree falls on AJ.

AJ:come on indo! What are you doing to me?

Then he starts slapping himself until indo's voice spoke from AJ.


Then AJ falls down to the ground.


Then diablo starts beating up rias and slams her on the ground. Before he can finish her off he got stopped by luan.

Luan:hey man.*looks at rias*hey Ms. Gremory.

Rias:kid where'd you come from?

Luan:the fut-AAHH!!!

Then luan gets thrown by diablo but AJ tackled him in his indoraptor form.

Rias:Finally you get out your guns!


Luan:what's this guys problem Ms. Gremory?

Rias:uh...he's from another dimension, and he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard.

Then with the wizards and bendy. Bendy summoned a bunch of ink blobs and throws it at them but lincoln opens a portal as clyde opens another portal shooting back the ink spikes, bendy tried to block it with an ink wall but one penetrates it and cuts bendy on his right horn. Then he uses a fire hydrant to blast away clyde, then lincoln tries pulling bendy towards him so he can finish him off instead bendy grabs lincoln and corners him upside-down on a wall.

Bendy:your skills are impressive, you must be popular with the children.

Bendy tries to grab the necklace but instead it burns his hand.


Lincoln:a simple spell but quite unbreakable.

Bendy(angry):Then I'll take it off your corpse!

Then bendy throws lincoln down to the floor. Lincoln tries to use the time stone but 2 ink tentacles grab him and wrap around him while it starts choking him.

Lincoln:removing a dead mans spell is quite troublesome.

Bendy:I'll use anything to get that stone.

Then lincoln passes out. Bendy lifts him up with an ink platform but lincolns cloak got him out of the tentacles.

Bendy:*looks behind*NO!!!

As it flies to the lark it passes the others.

Rias:kid that's the wizard, get on it.

Luan:On it Ms. Gremory!

Luan then goes after lincoln, and AJ goes with her. On their way bendy knocks them away with a billboard.

Luan:not cool.


Bendy tries using ink tentacles to grab him but he only gets the cloak. When lincoln was falling luan grabbed him but the beam got lincoln. Luan tries to pull him down with a streetlight but bendy slices the top half.

Luan:Ms. Gremory, I'm being beamed up!


Rias:hang tight kid.

Rias was still fighting diablo, while that was happening ddiablo throws an electro magnetic coil at her, disabling her suit. Then he grabs a sharp rock and charges at her. He jumps, but falls into a portal and ends up in Antarctica. He looks up at the portal to see that clyde opened it, he tries to jump back through the portal to grab him but the portal closes, cutting off his hand in the process. Then he kicks it away. Rias breaks out of the coil.

Rias:clyde you're invited to my wedding!

Then rias flies up to the ship.

Rias:give me little juice Friday.

Then the suits legs formed a booster and gave her extra speed up.

Rias:open up section 17-A

Back at the loud-vengers base a pod shot out from it and headed to rias's location. On the ship was luan climbing it.

Rias:kid you gotta let go!

Luan:but you said save the wizard! I can't breath.

Luan takes off her mask.

Rias:kid you're too high up, you're losing air. Come on I'll catch you.

Luan:that makes sense.

Luan looks down to see the pod flying towards her. Then luan lets go of the ship, then the pod starts to disconnect into smaller pods then the last small pod latched onto luans back as it deploys a new suit.

Luan:Ms. Gremory it smells like a new car in here!

Rias:happy trails kid. Friday, 7 o'clock.

She saidcas she grabbed AJ in his indoraptor form.


Then the suit deploys a parachute.

Luan:OH COME ON!!!

AJ helps Rias break into the ship. Then issei calls her.

Issei(phone):rias are you alright?

Rias:yeah I'm fine. But I think we need to push our wedding day a bit further.


Rias:because I probably might not make it back.9

Issei(phone):you're on the ship aren't you?

Rias:yeah. But AJ's with me I'll be fine.


Issei starts arguing with her until the signal breaks. At the back of the ship was luan, she climbs up to hatch as it closes.

Luan:I should've stayed on the bus.

Then bendy takes the controller that drives the ship and flies to the dimensional cosmos. Back on earth an old friend of the gaurdians, Jibanyan picks up the phone. Then he looks at clyde as he leaves through a portal.

Jibanyan:where you going?

Clyde:time stones been taken, the sanctum remains unguarded. What will you do?

Jibanyan:I'm gonna make a call.

Clyde nods and closes the portal. Jibanyan opens up the phone and calls lori
Next dimension:the original loud house! Larox764 came up with the idea so credit for the next chapter goes to him.

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