Late Night Endeavors

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This story happened during the time period where Shiro was missing and goes along the lines of both Keith and Lance struggling with insomnia, enjoy! :) The credits for this amazing art goes to the creator IKIMARU

This story happened during the time period where Shiro was missing and goes along the lines of both Keith and Lance struggling with insomnia, enjoy! :) The credits for this amazing art goes to the creator IKIMARU

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Keith tossed and turned in his bed. He turned to look at the alarm clock (running on earth time)

1:22 am 

Keith let out a small groan and rolled out of bed; he had to clear his mind somehow. The door of his room slid open easily and he stepped out into the empty hallway, sneaking around had become a routine as of lately with Shiro's disappearance, and becoming the black lion's paladin. The leader of Voltron...  

As he walked down the long halls of the castle Keith shook his head trying to rid himself of the stressful thoughts. Keith soon found himself in the elevator, he hadn't been near it since him and Lance got stuck together. 

Keith felt his face heat up as the memory popped in his head, over the past few days his thought about Lance have... changed? Keith thought about what Lance had said, about respecting him as a leader. Lance had more heart than Kieth had given him credit for, after taking over the red lion Kieth had seen something change in Lance he couldn't exactly pinpoint it, but there was definitely a difference in the way Lance acted. 

Keith looked back at the elevator, 

I guess the pool could be relaxing... Keith thought to himself

No one else was awake so Kieth opted to just swim in his shorts. He pressed the bottom on the elevator panel to go to the pool and when the door opened Keith was greeted by the bitter smell or chlorine 

Allura had taught the team how to use altean pools by using some kind of reverse gravity anklet, Keith didn't really get the point, but to be honest there were a lot of things Keith did not understand about the altean way of life.

After making sure the band was firmly on his ankle he started to take off his shirt, but before it was even over his head there came a small splash from the pool 

Keith whirled around to see a panting Lance with hair just covering his crystal blue eyes. Keith put his shirt back down faster than the speed of gay 

(Oops ;3 stupid autocorrect) 

"L-Lance? What the hell?!" Keith spat

"I could ask you the same thing, but I think I already know..." Lance said eyeing the dark circles that had become a little darker over the past few days. Lance could tell the whole team was on edge, but Keith had been put in charge of the team and the black lion, both responsibilities he never wanted in the first place. 

"What are you talking about? Why are you h-"

"Can't sleep?" Lance asked, interrupting. 

The two stared at each other for a moment of silence, before Keith sighed and nodded. There was no use hiding it from Lance he had a way of knowing these types of things. 

"You wanna talk about it?" Lance asked 

"With you? Not particularly." Keith said walking over to the edge of the pool sitting down crisscrossed in front of Lance

"Geez, just trying to help," Lance said glumly. 

"I don't need help, Lance." The words were like rust on his tongue as he said then, a wave of regret hit him when he saw a twinge of hurt in Lance's expression.

"I-I'm sorry, It's just with Shiro-" Keith fumbled trying to find the words 

"I get it, you don't have to explain buddy," Lance said quickly as he takes notice to the slightest amount of tears start to form in Keiths eyes

Keith looked down at Lance with a small smile quickly wiping away the tears before more could form.

"So are you going to get in?" 


"You came here to swim right?" Lance asked with a cocked eyebrow 

"I mean- I uh-" Keith was bushing mad thankfully it was dark enough Lance couldn't see

Lance suddenly grabbed the collar of Keith's shirt and pulled him down 

"You know you can be a real hot head sometimes, I think you need to cool off." Lance cooed with a smug grin

And with that, he planted his feet against the wall and pulled Kieth into the pool


And here is where my writer's block and own insomnia comes in to play, I hope you guys enjoyed this don't worry I will do a part two later on so stay tuned ;) 

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