Late night endeavors Pt 2!

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Sorry, this took so long Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And for those of you in other countries besides the US hope you're having a great day! 

Keith emerged from the water with a loud gasp, the water had been much colder than he had originally thought. 

"LANCE! WHAT IN THE EVER LOVING QUIZNAK?!" he shouted. He couldn't see Lance with his bangs hanging in his face, but he heard the loud chortle come from the Cuban boy. Keith quickly pulled back his bangs glaring at Lance who just continued to laugh.

Damnit he's cute. Keith thought, though he would never admit it, he had always found Lance's antics somewhat charming in a way. Lance was always trying to make others smile. 

"Aw, what's the matter, does the cat not like the water?" Lance questioned coyly 

"I would be a lot happier if my clothes weren't SOPPING WET!" Keith shouted He could feel the heat rising to his face. 

"Well, now that you're here you might as well swim. Race you to the other side?" 

"You're on."

"Ready..." Lance and Keith prepped themselves against the wall of the pool 


In a split second both of them pushed themselves off the wall towards the other side of the pool, Keith could feel his clothing restricting his movements holding him back. He didn't stop though he was determined to beat Lance. Why? He had no idea other than he and Lance's made up rivalry. 

Keith could feel the weight of his clothes start to increase on him as he got into the deeper part of the pool 

Lance's POV 

Keith seemed to be falling behind, 

Lance regretted pulling him into the pool, the race was the only thing he could think of to keep Keith from questioning why he did it. 

Once he had made it to the end he turned the other direction

"Guess this means I - Keith?" 

Keith wasn't there. 

Lance looked around frantically till he spotted a dark figure at the bottom of the pool 

He wasted no time  and immediately dove down

Unlike most people opening his eyes underwater wasn't bothersome to Lance, Keith was within four feet of him he swam over and tugged on the smaller boy, but Lance did not possess enough strength to lift him. 

Lance was desperate for air and he knew that if he didn't get Keith out of the water soon he could die. 

His eyes fell to Keith's anti-gravity anklet and he had an idea 

Grabbing Keith's wrist so he wouldn't fall Lance disconnected the anklet and Keith began to rise  out of the water dragging Lance with him 

Keith's weight had been enough to pull both boys out of the water and back to the normal ground where lance detached his own anklet 

Lance cradled Keith in his arms, he was pale, more than usual. 

"No, no, no!" 

Setting Keith down Lance began compressions on his chest  5 ticks passed then 10 

Lance was crying at this point Keith died it would be his fault. He had to do it. Even though Keith was going to hate him for it 

Pinching Keith's nose and opening his mouth, Lance leaned down and as their lips touched it sent a shiver down his spine. He blew in a breath, then started on compressions once more. 

After about 5 ticks, Keith shot up, coughing up a ton of water.  

Lance let out a sigh of relief 

After a tick, Keith glanced over at Lance breathing heavily 

"L-lance what the... did you...?" Keith looked at him...afraid?

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! It was the only way to save you this  is all my fault you probably hate me even more now I'm-" Lance sobbed and shook with each word 

Keiths POV 

Keith lurched forward pulling lance into a tight embrace 

"Thank you, for saving my life..." Keith said softly

Lance continued to cry into Keith's shoulder 

"Lance you don't need to be sorry for anything I'm fine. Lance looked at me." 

Keith pulled Lance's chin up and looked into his deep blue eyes

"I could never hate you." 

And with that, he placed a soft kiss on to Lance's lips.

Uuuuuugh I'm disappointed in myself I rushed this chapter too much, but hey this means you can all look forward to a part 3! I promise the next chapter won't be written as badly.  LUV YALL AND HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!~

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