People deserve to be happy

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You deserve to be happy, to be with someone who makes you happy. Someone who thinks the world of you and puts you first; someone who cares.

You deserve someone you can trust, who trusts you. Not someone who cant decide whether it's worth the effort; or someone struggling to find themselves.

You deserve to have joy and laughter in your life. To be accepted for everything that you are, flaws and all. Not someone who puts you down, or cant see your worth.

You deserve to be able to do the things you love, things that breathes life into your soul and brightens your eyes. Not someone who drains the life out of you...

You deserve to have the time to take care of yourself. Because you work and take care of you children but dont forget to take care of yourself too.

Dont ever EVER let anyone tell you that you are not worth it, or that you dont measure up to their standards. You have to surround yourself with positive things and people because it is a harsh world and sometimes it's hard to believe in yourself when everyone else keeps trying to push you down.

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