Ch. 8: Time of Death

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I wasn't in the loft. I was outside, leaning against the railing of the miniture bridge leading up to the door.

I knew he was behind me. "What the hell do you want, Peter? I'm not in the mood."

"Yes, I've heard," Peter said tauntingly, pacing behind me. "So the truth about a cousin you never knew about is finally out, and Scott has lied to you, and betrayed you . . . Again."

"Is there a point to you being here?" I asked.

"Can't I just have a nice, sweet moment with my niece?" Peter asked with fake innocence.

I slowly turned to face him, leaning on the railing behind me. "The only nice, sweet moment with any of your nieces you've ever had was when you saved my life from the fire. The only time. Any other time, you tried to kill us, or tried to talk other people into doing it. So, what the hell do you want?"

"Poor, mistreated Tara," Peter taunted, pacing around me. I pushed away from the railing, starting to circle around in the other direction. "Is there not one way you've never been hurt? Namely by him, the one and only boy you've ever fallen for. And he's betrayed you, not once, but twice. How does that make you feel? Angry? Hurt? Rage?"

"I can name a couple of the emotions you bring out of me," I said as we stopped circling each other.

"That may be a topic to talk about another time," Peter said, facing away from me with a smirk. "Maybe you'd like to talk about it. Maybe see a couple's counselor."

I pushed him against the railing, his body bending over it, making him groan. "I don't know what you're up to or what you're trying to manipulate me into doing, but I'll tell you one thing . . . I'm gonna find out what it is."

I let him go.

Peter smirked, standing straight, chuckling as he turned toward me.

I was already gone.


I was alone walking down the alley, isolating myself from the others. That's what I did when I got angry, and talking to Peter earlier made me angry.

My phone vibrated. I stopped walking to look at the Caller I.D.


I looked up with annoyance, throwing my phone into the brick wall to my left. It shattered, falling to the ground.

I started to walk forward again. I walked forward for a few seconds.

I slowed to a stop. I knew someone was watching me. Following me. I knew they were near. I also knew it wasn't Peter this time. The scent smelt like death. "I'm not really in the mood to fight with you and the Berserkers."

I could hear footsteps approaching.

"Someone's angry all over again," Kate's voice remarked. "Is that something to do with the pack trying to kill Scott to lure out The Benefactor?"

I turned to face her, confusion and suspicion in my expression. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Oh, someone's left out in the dark," Kate said. The Berserkers stood on either side of her. "Again."

I took a deep breath to steady myself for a fight. I spun to kick Kate back into the brick wall behind her, making her fall to the ground. I slashed at the Berserker to the right. I kicked the other. One slashed toward me. I ducked under it. The other slashed toward me. I flipped over it.

One Berserker pushed me into the brick wall behind me, making me fall. I glared up toward Kate and the Berserkers.

This was a three on one fight. There was no possible way I could win against these killers.

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