Marta's Determination #PlanetOrPlastic

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Marta glided on an air current, each wing beat was a tired exorcize.
The futility of her situation seemed to weigh her down.
Determination kept her going. Her young chicks needed food, and she would feed them.
It seemed, that no matter how much she fed them they were still hungry.
Their small bodies not yet strong enough to fly, or to defend themselves.
As a mother, she would do all she could to nurture them and help them grow.
The chicks she had many moons ago were grown and strong. All three hatching their own chicks to look after now.
Marta's pride and subsequent satisfaction at their strength was the kind only a parent knew. Those memories kept her going today.
She would not give up until her last feather was gone.
This battle was fierce, but her babies deserved to live. They deserved to feel their own pride at the chicks they too would one day hatch.
She flew on, eye's searching. Her only comfort was knowing her chicks father would protect them until her return.
Marta spotted multiple glimmers amongst the small waves on the shore.
Winging down she landed and inhaled deeply. The scent delighted and confused her like it had many times over.
The small pieces were hard, the flavor not quite what she remembered, but she kept eating, knowing her chicks needed food.
Soon she would teach them how to look for food themselves... hopefully.
For some reason no matter how much Marta fed them, they weren't growing stronger, only weaker.
Dullness lingered in their gazes, but she would fight.
For her babies, she would always fight.

This snippet is fiction. Unfortunately, the fight against plastic pollution is not.
This story is based on the growing problem Seabirds face every day.
Their fight for sustenance, not only for themselves but their chicks, is alarming.
Too many of them mistake plastic goods for food.
While writing this story I discovered that plastic in the ocean gives off a sulfuric scent telling Seabirds to forage. That same smell is released when algae are consumed by Krill, a favorite of many Seabirds. Hence why many are attracted by plastic. 
So, no Seabirds are not just dumb animals.  
Unfortunately, we as a human race have robbed them of their main sense/source for hunting and gathering.
Imagine trying to find food in the wilderness blind, believing you could still see, having relied on your eyesight your entire life. Trusting what you find as edible, because why would it not be?
Then feeding that food to your children.
The thought is morose
Plastic pollution is everyone's fight.
We should stand up and fight for our planet.
We have the power to help, to encourage, to bring awareness to our fellow humans.
It starts simply with the three R's.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
We hold the responsibility to do our part, in saving the countless species we share this earth with.
We hold the responsibility to save our planet.


Marta's Determination #PlanetOrPlasticWhere stories live. Discover now