Jeff Wtf

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Jeff's pov

I hate that new girl. She says she has a few powers, but otherwise than that, she's a fucking human! Slenderman would kill new comers, and he hasn't killed her yet! I need to find out what's so fucking special about her. I roll over and see her in a coner asleep. Well, she said she had senses like a dog, so, I'll treat her like a dog then. I get out of bed, put on a black shirt and my white hoodie. I fix my hair alittle bit and wake her up.

"Five more minutes mom" she said in a very sleepy voice. It's so cute how she sleeps-wait, no Jeff, don't think about that, you hate her, not like her. "I'm not your mother" i spat.
Right after those 4 words, she sat straight up. "Breakfast will be made in the kitchen, slenderman always cooks, go" i said in a command voice.

She just sat there. "What did i just say, go to the kitchen" she talked back "i don't know my way around here". I groaned, picked her up and slung her over my shoulder. I went to the kitchen and to the table. I put her down. "Sit" i said while pointing at a chair. She sat down and i pat her head. "Good girl" i cooed.

Phoenix pov

Why is Jeff treating me like a dog? Do i look like a dog? Well, i do have senses like one and i could shapeshift into any animal including a dog. But that doesn't mean he has the right to treat me like one! "Sit" he said sternly pointing at a chair. I went to go sit down, he came over to me. "Good girl" he cooed at me.

I sighed at put my elbows on the table and kinda sank into the chair. I then feel myself being picked up. "Don't you know it's rude to slouch at the table! Do you have any manners?!" A guy yelled at me. "That's bloodypainter" Eyeless Jack told me. "And you are" he said to me. "My name is Phoenix" "nice name, who bought you here?" "Thanks, Toby bought me here, he said he was sent by slenderman". He just nods at my face. "Yout very pretty" he said looking straight into my eyes.

I blushed alittle, "thanks" i said while trying to cover my blush. "Don't cover your blush, your very cute with it". We all hear a growl coming from Jeff. He then went storming up to hi-our room. "That's the first time we ever heard him growl at flirting" BEN said. I thought to myself, is he jealous that someone is flirting with me? I then heard another voice.  He might be jealous child, he's a killer, but still has a soft spot for a few feelings, just look at his actions and catch on. Then the voice went away.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2018 ⏰

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