Part 3

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You were both definitely tipsy.

Two bottles of wine and a shed load of Chinese had been consumed and you were both laying next to each other on the sofa, in a semi comatose state. Your night of Netflix has been abandoned, instead you'd carried on listening to music.

"This sofa is ridiculous." You mumbled.


"It's just so big."

Niall burst out laughing, and he turned to you with a smirk on his face.

"What?" You questioned him.

"Nothing, you're just funny!"

"Glad I'm keeping you amused!"

"You always keep me amused."

"You're welcome." You giggled.

You laid in silence for a few minutes, wondering if you should ask the question you wanted to ask. With some for encouragement you asked him.

"Ni, can I ask you something about Saskia?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Why did you date her? I mean, yeah she's beautiful but I just don't get it."

"What do you mean?"

"You're just so humble and down to earth, it was one of the reasons I wanted to work with you. When I was first approached about working with you I googled you."

He sat up as you spoke, his voice high. "Oh did you?! What did you find out?!"

"Don't be so flattered. I always Google people I'm asked to work with. Let's just say, I should've done it for one person I worked with, as it was well known apparently about how difficult they were! But lots of people were saying how nice you were and Saskia was just shallow, I just didn't understand your relationship. You were different when she was around to."

He laughed a little nervously. "You know me so well and we've only known each other a short time."

"I find you easy to read, well sometimes. Not been able to read you so well recently."

He looked down at his lap. "I always seem to pick the wrong girl I suppose. So wowed by their good looks and charm at first and then when you get to know them they just aren't what they seemed like at first.

"Well you know it's ok, you're a guy with a dick. It's perfectly normal to be attracted to someone like her and the others you've dated."

"Cal!" he said laughing.

"What?! You have a type and a dick, it's perfectly normal Ni, you don't need to be ashamed!" You said sitting up next to him.

You both paused for a second before he answered you.

"People in the industry understand the difficulties in maintaining a relationship or dating someone. I travel so much that it just seemed to make sense to date someone who does similar."

You thought for a minute, deciding whether to open up to him or not. But your drunken mouth just said it anyway.

"My relationship with my ex broke down due to my job. He wasn't happy to be left behind while I followed you all over the world. I have worked so hard to get where I am and be asked to work with an incredible artist like you. I wasn't going to turn it down."

He smiled at your compliment, a light blush on his cheeks.

"I'm sorry that happened. He's an idiot to let you go."

You & Me - A Niall Horan storyWhere stories live. Discover now