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When they'd gotten back to the cabin brook had whipped out another of the important questions.
"Rye , would you change me?" Brook asked softly as the two laid in brooks bed , rye spooning brook gently as they lay in bed.
"If that's what you really wanted I guess so , but not yet you still have a family and friends to live for aswell as the fact that you haven't experienced all the wonderful human things you should experience before becoming a vampire , why'd you suddenly want to brook?" Rye asked softly , causing brook to look down .
Imma shaky voice he answered
" I'm scared , I don't want to die , I want to be with you all forever . I'm scared if you leave I'll just die alone , I don't want that I don't feel safe as a human anymore , but I don't want to have you guys always looking after me cause then you won't want me anymore and you'll leave, sooner or later everyone leaves me . I just don't , I don't want you guys to go" brook said softly .

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