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Lloyd woke up in a hospital. 

He didn't know what happened after he passed out.

He looked around and saw Morro standing in the corner. 

"I overheard your friend speaking with the doctor. You sliced right through a vein. I got shoved out of your body because you went and passed out, you know that? They want to put you on watch and antidepressants because you're suicidal." 

Lloyd scowled. "You act as if all these actions were done and choose by me." 

"As far as all they know, they were. You better heal up fast."

"Why? So you can almost kill me again?"

"No...I just enjoy watching you suffer." 

Later on that day, Morro left because others were coming in to visit Lloyd and lecture him. 

Kai was not happy. Nor was anyone else but Kai was the most upset. "Why didn't you come to me? To anyone?"

Lloyd didn't know how to respond. He had to lie. 

"I didn't think anyone could help me." Lloyd came up with.

Cole leaned in with his arms crossed. "Even if we couldn't help. We'd still try." 

Jay nodded, "I'm great at cheering people up, all you have to do is ask." 

Kai put a hand on Lloyd's shoulder. "We're here for you. Always." 

Lloyd smiled softly. "Thank you guys..." 

Zane was kind of there, zoning out in his own thoughts. "It just seems rather unlike you."

Lloyd looked over at him. "Does it?" 

"You never seemed to be very depressed and you eventually go to your friends for help. It is strange that this time it went on this long without you telling us or doing anything to get better." 

Dammit Zane. 

"I know...I'm sorry..." Lloyd felt terrible. He hated lying but he knew Morro would find out if he told them what was really going on. 

"We'll bring you lunch, okay?" Kai reassured Lloyd. 

Lloyd nodded, "That sounds good."

They all waved to each other and headed out, taking their nonfinal leave. 

Hated ~A Ninjago fanfiction~ ((GreenWind))Where stories live. Discover now