Chapter 15

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Peter didn't like the chair he was sat on. It was cold. Unnaturally cold - to the point where the numbness turns to burning. His bare skin, under the plain, grey clothes he was wearing, was turning blue. Or maybe that was just a trick of the light... but whatever it was, Peter didn't like it.

The belt restraining him was also cold, but it caused him pain in another way. It had metal spikes, which dug into his skin, on the sides of it. As soon as they had placed it on the small boy, he had cried out in terror. Blood had streamed out of him for the first twenty seconds, but by now it had all dried up.

Sutton had also used Vyde's device against him: the torture being so awful that Peter could no longer scream, his throat hoarse after the never ending flow of tears. Peter just wanted to see his Dad. He didn't care if he died straight afterwards.

Metal clasps had gripped his arms, keeping him from moving. And his head had been thrown back, into a strange, mechanical contraption. And it hurt Peter. It really hurt.

His mind felt like it was being shredded, ready to throw away. Like it was no longer important to him: to anyone. His ears rung, and pictures... memories flashed in his thoughts. But as soon as he tried to comprehend the image, they were gone.

Eventually it stopped, and the grasp on his head was released: throwing him back to face his captors.

They had started saying stuff to him too, words that blocked out everything he could remember. Words that he didn't even understand: or at least understand the point of them being said.


Where was he? Peter's mind raced, as he looked around the room - confused and distressed.


He remembered something about his Dad... wait his Dad was dead. So was his Mom, and Ben.... and May.


A sharp bolt of darkness flashed through Peter's thoughts.


The names of people he once knew clearly were as hazy as their faces in his head.


Peter started pulling at the restraints: trying his best, but not succeeding.


The rest of his memories seem to disappear, a few clinging on tightly.... but they didn't stay long.


Peter stared at his captor, a blank look in eyes. He was emotionless, he felt nothing. He was numb. Numb from the pain, from the memories that had haunted him. He was here, and that was all he had ever known.

Sutton glared back at Vyde, who was watching intensely at the procedure, "What did Hydra say his name is?"

"Dark Spider," he replied nonchalantly, not asserting his vision from the prisoner .

"Alright then," Sutton cleared his throat, and turned back to Peter, "Dark Spider, how are you feeling?"

Dark Spider continued to stare into thin air, as Sutton's words echoed though him - setting off some sort of reaction. His tension loosened, and he quit struggling.

"Ready to comply."

The pair of men grinned, knowing that their bosses would be pleased. With Hydra having their new weapon, and Sylvia receiving the money she was being gifted by the organisation: both men would be highly rewarded.

* * *

Tony had finally debriefed the team, and they were all storming through the building that was home to Brookeman.

"Stark, you alright?" Nat asked, as she watched the older man slow in his steps.

"Yeah," he hesitated, "I'm fine, just checking which way we need to go."

"It's a one way corridor," Clint stated, staring at the hallway in front of them.

"And we need to go this way," Tony exclaimed, hoping no one would see through his egoistic disguise.

They continued to sprint down the hallways, right until they reached a locked metal door - which had a small glass window in it.

"Guys split up, whatever they're doing here can't be good."

The rest of the team left him, but Tony continued to stare intensely at it, tears whelming in his eyes. He could see Peter. And the Dark Spider could see him.

* * *

"Your mission: kill The Avengers," ordered Sutton, as he undid the belt from Dark Spider's chair.

The teenager nodded his head, eyeing the metal man outside of the room. Then he grabbed the web-slingers he had been shown by Sutton, and opened the silver door.

"Peter, kid, you okay?" Tony asked, before having an 'instant kill' laser web shot just millimetres away from his face. The older man jumped back in surprise, not expecting the kid he knew and loved to act like this.

"Who the heck is Peter?"

Dark Spider stood there confused, for a brief period of time, before sending another shot at Tony's face. Again, it missed.

l u c k i l y

Tony started to speak into his coms: "Guys, we may have a slight problem."

Steve rushed to Tony's side, not wanting to talk over the coms. "What is it?"

"He doesn't remember," Steve threw his shield up into the air - blocking the web from hitting them, "Me. It's like he's had his memory wiped."

Steve frowned, "You don't think Hydra?" he questioned.

Peter perked up at the sound of the name, it had been drilled into him somehow, "Hail Hydra," he whispered: before jumping in front of the Captain's shield.

Steve knocked him out with a blow that would usually be fatal, but to an enhanced superhuman, it would only leave them unconscious. The two nearby Avengers, picked up the small boy, and headed out of the building. They were soon reunited with the others.

As they sat on the quinjet, everyone looked nervously at the boy. In that small space of time, all of the Avengers has grown to love him. He was that secret thing that they adored, despite how 'unintimidating' it made them look. They shared a mutual feeling of hope; hope that things would get better, for the kid. And despite the fact that nobody spoke the entire journey, they all knew what was on everybody's mind.

* * *

A/N: OMG thanks for 900 reads. We've been gaining so many readers recently. I started my secret project book thing... lol... that will be updated weekly. Also hope you like this. I found it hard to write: mainly because I'm having flashbacks of Bucky in my mind. But this is the kind of story I enjoy to write, so please leave some comments (I love reading them), and vote if you want to. Thanks.

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