Chapter 51

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"It's fine man. We were both at fault" i say and hug Max. We didn't have a long talk, Max and i have always forgiven each other easily, i guess that is how we are such good friends. You need a lot of patience and forgiveness with me.

I am about to go to the bedroom but decide against it. I need a smoke, after just thinking about last night i get a headache. How am i supposed to change? I Go outside and smoke. Why isn't there a guard out here? I am probably being too nice these days for the guards to be slacking off like this. I sigh. I am always too nice or not nice at all. Why can't i have balance?  Suddenly i hear a scream. What the hell? I draw my sword and hurriedly run toward the sound.

"LET GO OF ME! LET GO OF ME! LET GO OF ME!" Adelaide screamed while continuously stabbing a man that is obviously long gone. I rush toward her. "Adelaide" she jabs the knife toward me. She hits my neck with the knife but luckily it doesn't cut deep. I hold her wrist and grab the knife from her while she is hitting me and screaming. "LET ME GO! LET ME FUCKING GO!" I throw the knife away and hug her tight to my body while she is screaming and crying. "Shhh baby, he is gone. It's over"I repeat a few times trying to let her calm down. "Let... me... go," she says one last time. She falls down to her knees, i go down with her. "Its okay, you are okay baby". She holds on to the collar of my shirt. I move my hand up and down her back why she cries her heart out. I look behind her at the body. If he wasn't dead id have him tortured for a year. I look at his clothes. He is a guard from Soleria. Atticus better not be a part of this.

"My baby..." Adelaide lets go of me and sit back on her haunches. She puts her hand on her stomach. Baby? "He hit me in my stomach. What if my baby is dead?" She breaks down and cries louder this time. She is pregnant! "Shh, our baby is okay. Come. Let's get you checked out." I stand up and reach down to help her get up. Our baby, my heart clenches. If something happens...


"There are no internal bleedings, that's a good sign. But the child is still only one or two months so i can't really say if its okay or not yet.  I Will check up on you everyday okay? Rest and eat well and i am sure she or he will grow to be a healthy prince or princess." The healer says comforting Adelaide. Adelaide hasn't said anything at all since i found her. She is probably still in shock. The first kill is always the worst. "Thank you, Amelia," i say. "What about you, my king" i look confused at the healer. "What about me?" She points at my neck. I forgot all about it. "Later," i say. She nods and leaves.

I sit down on the bed beside Adelaide. She is staring straight ahead with tears still streaming down her cheeks. I move closer to her. "Adelaide, look at me" she doesn't react. I touch her shoulder gently. She flinches. I remove my hand. "Will you talk to me?" "I killed a man" she whispers. "It was self-defense," i say. She shakes her head. "No. I could have run away but i kept stabbing him. I wanted him dead" she breaks down and cries again. I just sit there, i cant touch her if she doesn't want me to.

She gets up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I need to wash all this blood off of me" she looks down at her clothes. she puts her hand to her mouth and runs to the bathroom. I hear her throw up and follow her. She sits in front of the toilet and throws up. I hold her hair up so it doesn't get in the way. She cries and keeps throwing up. After her stomach is empty she dry heaves. I move my other hand up and down her back trying to soothe her.

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