Chapter 64

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"Breath, my queen," the healer says. "I can't brea... OWWW!" I gasp in short breaths. I can't believe Dominic is dead. "Focus, my queen. You can grief when you are done! You are hurting your child" the healer grabs my face and says.

My child, Dominic's child. I have to focus on pushing. "Adelaide you can do it. Do it for Dominic" Alexandra says while holding my hand. "AHHH! I CAN'T! I CAN'T DO IT!" I scream and cry. Everything hurts. I can't push. Promise me you will take care of yourself i hear dominics voice in my head. I have to be strong, for him, for our child. I push as hard as i can "AHHHHHHHHHH"I scream.

"Keep pushing! Keep pushing! I can see the head"I keep pushing and screaming. "Waaaa! Waaa"I lean back and breathe. The healer places my beautiful son on my chest. "My baby, my baby" i cry. "He is so beautiful. His hair... he looks like Dominic"I begin to sob. My beautiful baby won't ever meet his father! His hair is so fluffy and coal dark black. His eyes are beautiful bright blue just like Dominics. My precious angel!

"OWW!" I scream when i feel more pain hit me again. My baby boy begins to cry again. "Alexandra take the child" Alexandra takes my boy. "No! Gove him back" i yell. "Adelaide! You are getting another baby. " what? Another? "Wha... AHHH!" I scream again. I can't get another out. "push Adelaide! Push!!" I push again. "AHHHHHH!!" "Waaaaa! waaaa!" I hear my baby cry, but everything gets blurry and i blackout.


"Come on! Come on! YAAAY! You did it baby!!" I cheer when my little baby boy Zachary begins to crawl. Not perfectly but he is getting there. "Vava!" My girl Madeline says and hits me in the face for the hundreth time. She can't crawl yet, honestly i give up. Everytime i put her down she just lays there and looks at me waiting for me to pic her up.

"Waaa! Waaa!" Zachary begins to cry when i dont pick him up. "Shhh baby." I put madeline in her crib and pick up zachary, he immidietly stops crying and when he does madeline starts to cry. I pick madeline up and hold them both. They both begin to scream and cry. I feel tears welling in my eyes.

"Adelaide, do you want any help?" Max walks into the room. I nod, not trusting my voice. If i talk i will just break down. He takes Zachary from me and he stops crying. "Wow! You've gotten big huh?!" Max says to Zachary. Tears stream down my face, it could have been Dominic.

Max looks at my face and looks away again. Nobody has talked about Dominic. Max have taken care of the king duties, and helps me with my babies, my babies only let Max, Alexandra and i hold them or they begin to scream and cry. Alexandra is 5 months pregnant already, so she cant carry the kids anymore. Madeline keeps screaming and crying, i lay down on the bed and breastfeed her but she keeps crying and screaming. I sit up and begin to cry. "Can't you stop crying just for one minute! Please" i cry. "I'll take her" Max says. I cover my breast and give her to him. "I'll go take them for a stroll, get some sleep," he says. I need the rest so i just nod my head at him and go to sleep.

Its been 6 months since Dominic died, but it still feels like yesterday. I wait every day for the pain to just fade just a little but it hurts more everyday. I begin to sob again, as i do everytime i am alone.

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