The first e-mail

978 51 8

Subject: I know how you feel

Hello, Angel. I'm just like you. I have a normal family, my dad being the soccer team captain back in high school and my mother being a cheerleader. They met each other when my mother was in the 9th grade and my father was in the 11th grade. They fell for each other, and, 5 years later they got married. Then they had me. I was a happy child when I was little. When I was in kindergarten, I met my best friends, Technic and Lay. We've been best friends ever since. They both have their own secrets. Teching is gay, too. He's in love with school's quarterback, Good. Only me and Lay know about this. And Lay..she's in love with Techinc. But he doesn't know. As far as I'm concerned, my life it's a simple one. Except one thing. Nobody knows I'm gay. Not even my friends. I'm too afraid to tell them, even if Teching is gay too. So, Angel, this is my story. I'm curious about yours. If you want to, you know, become friends, mail me back. We don't need to know each other's identities.
                                   — Wolf

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